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HEAL US LORD  (Mk 5.41)


Through Christ who raises with a touch

In faith O Lord we call

The world needs help so very much

Dear Lord please heal us all.


HEAL US (Mk 5.27)


May we by faith Christ's garment touch

In prayer through him we call

The world needs help so very much

Dear Lord please heal us all.


RECONCILIATION  (2Cor 5.14-21)


With God may we be reconciled

For this is why Christ came

No more by sin are we defiled

Redeemed now through his name.


May we, for whom our Jesus died

And rose from fate so grim,

Now spread the message far and wide

Ambassadors for him.


HE IS LORD / OBEDIENCE (Phil 2.5-11)


As Jesus died for all our sin

May we with one accord

Give thanks that he o'er death did win

And kneel and call him Lord.


Father your will he did obey

He lived and died a man

But rose again and now we pray

Like him, we keep your plan.


THORN IN THE FLESH  (2 Cor 12.7)


In life all cannot roses be

Our thorns must come along

Dear Lord like Paul we pray to see

Through weakness we are strong.





Though Jesus found in his own land

No faith on which to build

Lord give us pray your guiding hand

Our hearts more fruit to yield.




In his own land our Saviour found

Refusal to believe

Lord make us sound more fertile ground

Your message to receive.



DISCIPLES   (Mk 6.7)


Disciples twelve Christ sent their way

To all who had not heard

Give us we pray the will today

To spread your living word.







Lord as before on bygone shore

Our shepherd of the sheep

Is needed now still even more

The wolf at bay please keep.



FEEDING FIVE THOUSAND (Jn 6.11)(Mat 14.13-21)


With five bread loaves and fish but two

The multitude Christ fed

Feed us pray do with word so true

And with our daily bread.



UNITY (Eph 4.1-6)


May your true love uplift each soul

Of we small parts who make the whole

That we in Christ one body be

United in your ministry.





Lord, Jesus said as life's true bread

If we believe we would be fed

From thirst and hunger keep us free

To live with you eternally.





The Crucified Christ Paul did preach

To Gentiles and to Jews,

Lord give us skill so we may reach

Those yet to hear the news.








Our Living Bread you sent from heaven

Lord may this food you give

Be to our faith an active leaven

So we shall ever live.




WALK IN LOVE   (Eph 4.31-32)


From hate and malice Lord pray save

Help us forgive as you forgave

To walk in peace we ask in prayer

With love for people ev'rywhere.






Pray make us careful Lord and wise

For days are evil still

As songs of thanks and praise arise

Lord help us do your will.






In days of strife and evil rife

We need Christ's words of lasting life

May your spirit within us grow

For Lord, to whom else shall we go.





We pray from sin our hearts be clear

To anger slow but quick to hear

And not just hear but also do

To act upon your word so true.

HEALING (Mk 7.31-37)


Lord when the sick Christ's touch did seek

The deaf could hear, the dumb could speak

As world and we are sick today

Please heal us all dear Lord we pray.



TAKE UP THE CROSS (Mk 8.27-35)(Lk 9.18-24)

                                                (Mat 16.21-27)


What profit us the world to gain?

If life we lose , it is in vain

Lord help us take our cross we pray

And follow where Christ leads the way.





A lack of deeds shows faith is dead

And so has ever been

Help us to act on all Christ said

So faith by works be seen.



PEACEMAKERS (Jms 3.13-18)


May we be selfless Lord and wise

No falseness, bitterness or lies

We pray our efforts never cease

In working for your truth and peace.






St. Michael fought to overthrow

The dragon's evil might

But Satan lives still here below

Lord help us in our fight.




St. Michael and his angels' might

Against the dragon won the fight

But Satan fled to earth below

Where he and minions ever grow

Dear Lord we pray please make us strong

To vanquish evil and all wrong.





As the heavens tell your glory

And all your work proclaim

Help us also give your story

To all the world the same.



BELIEVE AND SPEAK  (2 Cor 4.7-15)


As we believe Lord may we speak,

Though we're but earthenware,

May Christ in us show all who seek

That you our God do care.



SANDALS  (Acts 13.22-26)


We are not worthy to untie

Christ's sandals Lord we know

But like St. John pray help us try

The path to you to show.





WARNING to the RICH   (Jms 5.1-6)

& TEMPTATIONS to SIN (Mk 9.41-42)


In vain it is to put away

Those earthly riches which decay

O Lord, true treasures may we claim

With cups of water in Christ's name,

And let us cause no one to sin

So life eternal we may win.


MARRIAGE  (Mk 10.7-12)


A marriage is a sacred tie

When two become as one

Two lives that share as time goes by

The rain as well as sun.


It needs both love and skill to cope

With all the stress today

Lord all those joined in love and hope

Please help and bless we pray.


AS LITTLE CHIDREN   (Mk 10.13-16)


In faith  and trust, Lord help us grow

So like the children long ago

To Christ our Saviour we may go

And by your grace your Kingdom know.


MAY the LORD BLESS US  (Ps 128)


O help us always Lord we pray

To walk with you along your way,

And bless us now Lord ev'ryone

Each father, mother, daughter, son.





THE WORD OF GOD  (Heb 4.12-13, Wis 7.7)


The living word is like a sword

And sees into the heart

May ours be pure and rich dear Lord

With wisdom you impart.




THE RICH MAN / WISDOM  (Mk 10.17-30, Wis 7.7)


A camel through a needle's eye

May pass our Saviour said

Before the rich with you on high

Can live, while poor unfed.


May only riches we desire

Pray be your wisdom true

So we your kingdom shall acquire

And ever live with you.






Christ is our priest so great and high

Who knew no sin though Satan try

He tempted him and Lord you know

Of why we fear temptation so

Along the path your grace to seek

Pray help us Lord for we are weak.




HEALING THE BLIND  (Mk 10.46-52)


Christ heard the blind man's faithful plea

And so restored his sight

Pray open our eyes Lord to see

Your bright and healing light.



THE GREAT COMMANDMENT  (Mk 12.30-31, Mt 22.37-40)


The first commandment Jesus taught

And greatest we can find

Is love our God Just as we ought

With heart and soul and mind.


To love our neighbour as ourself

Is second we must do

On these two rules hang all the wealth

Of law and prophets too.


Pray help us Lord to keep your law

For we would win a place

To live with you on distant shore

For ever by your grace.




To love our God with minds and hearts

And love our neighbour too

Are greatest laws which Christ imparts

But help us Lord pray do.






Two coins were all the widow had

Yet gave all that she could

Help us like her be always glad

To offer what we should.


It's not just money you require

Except for use on earth,

Our hearts and souls you do desire

As gifts of greatest worth.




The widow's gift however small

Was greatest in your sight,

Lord help us give ourselves our all

To spread your glorious light.



COMING OF SON OF MAN   (Mk 13.24-32)

& SINGLE OFFERING   (Heb 10.11-18)


Christ is our sacrifice for sin

And only one we need

Who comes again to gather in

All those your word do heed.


We know not whether late or soon

The stars above will fall

When dims the light of sun and moon

We pray we hear your call.




THE KING  (Jn 18.33-37)


To be on side of truth always

And hear the word you bring

To love and serve you all our days

We ask through Christ our King.




WAITING FOR CHRIST  (1 Thess 3.12-13)


Lord help us so that love we show

To ev'ryone we meet

So blameless we may forward go

'Til Christ at last we greet.





Dear Lord, Christ's path help us prepare

To make it smooth and straight

A road of love that all may share

To reach salvation's gate.



NEW CREATION  (2 Cor 5.14-17)


In Christ we are created new

The old has passed away

Lord help us always take this view

In all we do, we pray.




THE LORD IS NEAR  (Lk 3.10-18)


We may not touch Christ's sandals' thongs

Unworthy so are we

May he who came to right all wrongs

Help us your way to see.


So when it's time the chaff to burn

And gather in the wheat

We pray that we a place did earn

And in your barn will meet.


We are unworthy, Lord, we know

Christ's sandals to untie

But help us all in faith to grow

Your precepts to apply.


So when it's time to separate

The chaff from the good wheat

We pray, by grace, as wheat we rate

And in your barn will meet.


PEACE OF GOD  (Phil 4.4-7)

Your peace O God we pray you send

And guard each heart and mind

Though more than we can comprehend

Your peace we all would find.


Your peace O God we pray we find

Which passes understanding

O Lord, be in each heart and mind

Our faults all notwithstanding.


GOD'S WILL  (Heb 10.5-10)


Christ came as man to live and die

And do the Father's will

Lord help us also always try

Your wishes to fulfil.




CHRISTMAS   (Jn 1.1-18)



We thank you for our Christ and King

Your gift on Christmas day

A babe who by his life did bring

Your love, your truth, your way.


The Word has been since time began

And evermore will be

For us the Word became a man

The light that all might see.


May Jesus now be born anew

Into each heart and mind

So peace and love and goodwill true

May reign for all to find.



AS ONE  (Jn 17.1-11)


As you our Father and the Son

Are with the Spirit just as one

Help us we pray to be the same

One Church united in your name.





For all the blessings which you give,

Lord help us to your glory live:

Please grant with you we have a place

Each saved by your redeeming grace.




CHRISTIAN LIFE  (Col 3.12-21)


May we Christ's word abroad proclaim

For all his love do need

Let what we do be in his name

By word as well as deed.


By such example we would live

In all we do or say

As he forgave may we forgive

But help us Lord we pray.



SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS  (2) (Eph 1.15-18)


Enlighten Lord our hearts' own eyes

To see the hope you show

And bless us with your spirit wise

So you we better know.






Help us O Lord to spread your word

To ev'ryone who has not heard

Of how it's through your gospel true

That all are members one in you

And all can now your promise share

Of life eternal in your care.






                              1 Jn 3.1-3)


We are each one called God's own child

And we like you would be,

Pray keep us pure and undefiled

Till you at last we see.



HOLY SPIRIT AND POWER  (Acts 10.34-38,

                      2.1-21, 8.14-17)

O Lord of all may we receive

The Holy Spirit too

For by its pow-er we believe

Though weak we much can do.


The Holy Spirit did descend

Annointing God's own son

That self-same Spirit Lord pray send

To each and ev'ryone.



GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT  (1 Cor 1 2.4-11)


There is but one God this we know

Who by the Spirit does bestow

On we his people one and all

Such diverse gifts both large and small

Lord help us use our gifts we pray

So all shall see your love, your way.




The gifts we own we could not choose

From You to us they came

But those we have pray help us use

With joy and in your name.




THE BODY OF CHRIST  (1 Cor 12.12-14,27)


We are in Christ one body whole

Though each a diff'rent part

Lord help us play our part's own role

With all our strength and heart.





LOVE  (1 Cor 12.31-13.13)


We would not be a sounding gong

Or clanging cymbal's din

But pray we have that love so strong

Which ever conquers sin.


The love that is both true and kind

Which always patience shows

In us no envy let one find

Just love which grows and grows.


It does not boast and is not rude

To anger it is slow

May we with love be so endued

That love to all will flow.


And when all else has come undone

Faith, hope and love remain

Though love we know is greatest one

Help us all three retain.




FISHERS OF MEN  (Lk 5.1-11, Mk 1.14-20

                            Mt 4.12-25)

O greatest fisher of them all

Pray use us as your crew

So when Christ's nets of love we haul

Still more may live anew.

(For more light dawns anew) (Mt 4.12-25)                                         





We would not be like those who sinned

And pondered not God's law

Like chaff they're scattered by the wind

And will be seen no more.


In God may we delight and trust

And shun the sinner's way

Lord from your law so wise and just

We pray we never stray.




LOVE FOR ENEMIES  (Lk 6.27-38)


To ev'ry foe as well as friend

We must our love and care extend,

But Lord as this is hard to do

We pray for help and strength from you;

In dealings with all humankind

No greater guideline can we find

Than to all others we should do

The way we hope they treat us too,

So help us Lord to keep your law

Both now today and evermore.




JUDGING OTHERS  (Lk 6.39-42)



A hypocrite we would not be

So help us see dear Lord so we

Remove the plank which blocks our sight

Before we dare to claim the right

To judge another and may try

To take the speck from out his eye.




THE TRUE GOSPEL  (Gal 1.1-10)



Your gospel Lord some still pervert

Your message they betray

And to their cult they would convert

All those who lose their way.


So help us Lord to keep your word

The way it came from you

And spread it wide till all have heard

Your gospel pure and true.



RUNNING THE RACE (1Cor 9.24-27)


Lord, as we run life's testing race

Please guide our steps each day

For we would win by your sweet grace

The prize which can't decay.





TEMPTATION  (Heb 2.14-18)



To us as man our Saviour came

And he would understand

For he was tempted just the same

By satan's evil hand.


Do not, we pray, put us to test

Temptation we do fear

But if it comes then our request

Is strength to persevere.






TEMPTATION  (Lk 4.1-13, Mat 4.1-11)



The devil took our Christ up high

And offered earth below

Though all temptations he did ply

No weakness did Christ show.


Your servants Lord he tempts today

With all the skill he can

Pray help us follow your true way

To thwart his evil plan.





A GUIDING STAR (Epiphany)  (Mt 2.1-12)



A shining star led three wise men

To where our saviour lay

We need a guide no less than then

To show the lost the way.


Christ is are our great and guiding light

Our own true shining star

Lord help us show this sight so bright

To all, both near and far.







THE FIG TREE  (Lk 13.1-9)



A fig tree which no crop does bear

The gardener will uproot

We pray that with your loving care

We all will yield much fruit.


And may the fruit be ripe and sound

So others will partake

And find that gift which we have found

Your love which nought can shake.







As foes of Christ some people live

It's ever been the same

No thought to God or truth they give

They glory in their shame.


We pray that we in Christ stand fast

And to his word conform

Till earthly bodies he at last

Like his he does transform.       








O Lord you are our hope and light

Your face we all do seek

Pray hide it not away from sight

Give strength lest we be weak.




O Lord you are salvation bright

In all our darkness you are light

Your face your servants all do seek

Pray hide it not, Lord to us speak.








The cross which all did so despise

A sign of black despair

Is now of joy, for Christ did rise

And lives and hears our prayer.


Lord help us now to spread this news

To people ev'rywhere

That life eternal they may choose

Forever in your care.







The faithful sat in doubt and dread

Til you their Saviour came

To prove you lived and were not dead

To send them in your name.


We cannot touch your hands or side

Yet make our faith, Lord, strong

To know that you with us abide

And we to you belong.




The faithful sat in doubt and dread

Until the Saviour came

To prove he lived and was not dead

To send them in his name.


We cannot touch his hands or side

But pray our faith be strong

For Jesus does with us abide

And we to him belong.



                             Jn 21.19)


As Peter knew we pray to see

It's God we must obey

Lord help us hear that "Follow Me"

So Christ can lead the way.




THE GOOD SHEPHERD  (Jn 10.27-30)


Lord help us hear the Shepherd's voice

To guide in all we do

For we may choose and make our choice

To ever live with you.






Dear Father help us keep we pray

Christ's new commandment so

We love each other in the way

His love he did bestow.


Lord through this love may others know

That we disciples are

And may it ever grow and flow

To all both near and far.





Dear Father keep us loved by you

For we your word would heed

In all we do we would be true

Lord give the help we need.


And give we pray your special peace

And send the spirit too

So by its strength we never cease

To live and work for you.



ASCENSION  (Heb 9.28)


O Lord we wait for Christ's return

In this world or the next

For when he comes then his concern

We know from scriptures text.


He needs no more to conquer sin

But brings salvation's prize

Lord grant with you a place we win

For there our heaven lies.


      (or Eph 1.17-23)


To you our Saviour rose on high

To sit at your right hand

Enlighten Lord our mind's own eye

To see what you have planned.


And as we wait for his return

To bring salvation's prize

We pray with you a place we earn

For there our heaven lies.



ONE WITH FATHER, SON  (Jn 17.20-26)



Our Father in the Son you live

And through your love to us did give

Our saviour, who in us does dwell

And of your love to us did tell.


We pray O Lord your will be done

That we in you will be as one,

So all the world your glory know

And we one day to you will go.





As you our Father and the Son

Are together just as one

We pray that we may be the same

All united in Christ's name.




THE HOLY SPIRIT (1Cor 12.1-13,Jn 20.19-23)



We pray O Lord that we may hear

Christ's "Peace be with you" loud and clear,

And may the Spirit fill each heart

So of the body we are part.


May we the parts receive some skill

To help the body do your will

Equip us Lord so you can send

Disciples still, your flock to tend.








To suffer Lord we don't desire

But if we must, give pray

Endurance which we will require

To live and face each day.


Endurance which we need to cope

We pray is then the key

To character and certain hope

Your glory we shall see.



GOD'S CALL (Gal 1.11-19)


As you revealed the Light to Paul

That he might preach the News

Help us O Lord to hear your call

Show us the path to choose.



FAITH SAVES (Lk 7.36-8.3)


The woman Lord did wash Christ's feet

With tears of love which flowed,

We pray our faith be as complete

As that poor sinner showed.


For whether large or whether small

Some sin we all have too,

In faith we cry, please hear our call

Forgive us Lord pray do.


DO NOT CONDEMN (Jn 8.1-11) (see p41)


O Lord we pray forgive our past

And may we too forgive

For who will dare a stone to cast

And judge how others live.





HELP TO FOLLOW  (Lk 9.18-24, Mk 8.27-28,

                 Mat 16.21-27)


To follow Jesus as he said

We must endure what lies ahead

And bear our cross each day by day

Denying self along the way

But we are weak and trip and fall

Dear Lord please help us, help us all.



THE ROCK  (Mt 16.13-19)


On Peter, Lord, your church does stand

It's built upon a rock

We pray we help it to expand

Each one a building block.





We pray that when this life is done

We all can say the race we've run

And did our best and what was right

And so have fought the righteous fight

We ask no prize for this hard race

Except with you to win a place.


USE OF FREEDOM  (Gal 5.1,13-18)


Through Christ are we all now made free

In that we can take pride

But self indulgent we can't be

We pray the Spirit guide.


Lord help us keep that greatest law

To love our neighbour so

Your peace will reign on ev'ry shore

And all in love will grow.






The crop grows well dear Lord today

But workers still are few

Use us to gather in we pray

To harvest it for you.




WHAT WE MUST DO  (Lk 10.25-37)


So life eternal we can find

Christ said what we should do,

That's love our God with heart and mind

All strength and spirit too,

And love our neighbour in the way

That for ourselves we care,

Lord help us keep these laws we pray

So life with you we share.






Like Martha we have much to do

Lord help us make the choice

To stop and hear the word from you

To listen to your voice.








The door is shut but opens wide

We need but knock to come inside

And if we search with heart and mind

Then what we seek we all shall find

And we should ask so we receive

This Jesus said and we believe.

Let's knock and search and ask today

Lord send the Spirit, light our way.




TRUE RICHES  (Col 3.1-11, Lk 12.13-21)



Lord help us keep our ev'ry thought

On heaven high above

Dismissing evil as we ought

No emnity, just love.


No earthly treasure we require,

No life with you that buys,

The only richness we desire

We pray be in your eyes.




OUR REFUGE  (St Stephen) (Ps 31.1-8)



O be our refuge Lord, our rock

And keep us all from shame

Pray lead and guide your earthly flock

For sake of your dear name.






We know not when Christ will return

Lord help us to prepare

So when he comes your praise we earn

And shall your table share.



CAST OFF SIN (Heb 12.1-4)


Lord frant us faith and will to win

The race which lies ahead

So casting off all weight and sin

We follow where Christ led.



BE NEAR AND UPHOLD US (St Bartholomew)(Ps 145.10-18)


When we're bowed down with all life's care

Lord raise us when we call

Be ever near us, hear our prayer

Uphold us should we fall.



THE NARROW DOOR (Lk 13.22-30)


To enter through the narrow door

We pray Lord to be able

For first or last we would be sure

Of sitting at your table.







In humbleness may we disdain

All boasting and self praise

For in your sight we would remain

Exalted all our days.



TO BE DISCIPLES  (Lk 14.25-33)


Disciples also we would be

Lord give the help we need

To take our cross and go where he,

Our Saviour Christ, may lead.



SAVE US  (1Tim 1.12-17)


Our Saviour Christ you sent to save

And set poor sinners free

Lord grant forgiveness which we crave

For sinners too are we.



TO BE WORTHY  (Eph 4.1-7)


Lord make us worthy for the call

May efforts never cease,

By love and patience shown for all,

For unity and peace.



PRAY FOR ALL  (1Tim 2.1-8)


We pray dear Lord for humankind

And governments that they may find

That truth and love you freely give

So in true peace we all may live.






(with apologies to the author)


Father in heav'n, God only one

Hallow-ed be your name,

Your kingdom come, your will be done

On earth, in heav'n the same.

Pray give our daily bread this day,

Forgive us all our sin

As we forgive all in the way

We would forgiveness win.

Into temptation do not lead,

From evil keep us free,

For yours the kingdom and indeed

For evermore will be.




WE OF GOD  (1Tim 6.11-16)


May we of God make faith our aim

And love and patience too

Lord help our fight so we may claim

Eternal life with you.



DO NOT BE ASHAMED  (2Tim 1.6-8)


To show our faith in word or deed

Ashamed we must not be

Lord give us any help we need

So all the light may see.





GIVE THANKS  (Lk 17.11-19)


Of ten Christ healed but one did show

His gratitude to you,

For blessings past and yet to flow

Accept our thanks Lord do.



ALWAYS PRAY  (Lk 18.1-8)


Lord help us so we always pray

And never do lose heart

And guide us for we would not stray

From truth you do impart.




Lord help us persevere with prayer

And not give in to fear

For we all know how much you care

And never fail to hear.




BE HUMBLE  (Lk 18.9-14)


In humbleness we all would live

From pride please keep us free

And all our sins Lord pray forgive

Exalted then are we.



WORTHY OF HIS CALL  (2 Thess 1.11-22)


Pray help us Lord lest we should fall

Into iniquity

And hear our prayer so when you call

We all may worthy be.



STRENGTHEN US (2 Thess 2.16-3.5)


May hearts of people turn away

From evil and toward

The love of God and find the way

As shown by Christ our Lord.


And help us all Father we pray

To live the way we should,

Of all we do and all we say

Please strengthen what is good.





Give wisdom Lord so we detect

Deceivers in Christ's name

So with your help we may reject

Their most outrageous claim.


For any load we needs must bear

Pray give endurance sure

So by your love and in your care

We live for evermore.



KINGDOM OF LIGHT (Col 1.11-20)


We thank you Father for you show

Salvation's road where we can go

To leave the darkness and the night

And find Christ's kingdom in the light.

Forgive our sins Lord, guide we pray

Along the path to you each day.





KEEP AWAKE  (Mat 24.37-44)(Mk 13.33-37)


We do not know the time or day

When we our Christ may see,

Lord help us keep awake we pray

For ready we would be.



LIVE IN HARMONY  (Rom 15.4-9)


O Lord we pray you grant that we

May live in peace and harmony

While people all give praise as one

To God the Father and the Son.




We pray that we, O gracious Lord,

In harmony may dwell

So with one voice and one accord

All shall your glory tell.



BE PATIENT  (Jms 5.7-10)


As farmers wait for early rain

May we be patient too

And grow until Christ comes again

A harvest fit for you.





May hearts be pure Lord all the time

Our hands kept clean of stain

So we your holy hill may climb

And there with you remain.





GRANT FAITH  (St Thomas) (Jn 20.24-29)


Saint Thomas had to touch and see

Before he could believe

And just as human Lord are we

Who would true faith receive.


As yet we cannot see Christ's face

Or touch his hands or side

So touch our hearts Lord by your grace

And ever there reside.


WALK IN LIGHT  (Innocents) (1 Jn 1.5-2.2)


May we O Lord walk in your light

For darkness closes in

Make bright we pray the shades of night

Forgive us all our sin.


As sinners Lord we would confess

Forgive us all we pray

And with your shining light please bless

In which to walk each day.


MAKE HASTE TO HELP US  (Ps 40.8-13) (see p54)


Assist us Lord to do your will

Let us in that delight                      (v6-10)

And all our hearts with love pray fill

Your law in them please write.


And if perchance it comes to be

By evil we are faced

Then in your mercy hear our plea

To help us Lord make haste.

       or (v6-10)

Lord help us always do your will

In that may we delight

And spread your word abroad until

The world lives in your light.





UNITY (1 Cor 1.10-13)


Lord help we Christians to agree

And be of one true mind

To keep your word in unity

One faith for humankind.



PURE IN HEART (Mat 5.1-12)


Pray keep us Lord all pure in heart

So you our God we see,

Your love and peace help us impart

For blessed we would be.



LET LIGHT SHINE (Mat 5.13-16)


Lord may your light through us so shine

And we good works so do

That all will know your love divine

And offer praise to you.



IMPART WISDOM (1 Cor 2.6-10)


Lord give us wisdom to impart

Your holy mystery

So by the spirit we may start

To teach that all might see.


BLAMELESS (Ps 119.1-8)


Lord keep us blameless in your sight

To do your will and what is right

For with our hearts we would you seek

Each single minute, day and week

Lord help us walk within your law

And bless us now and evermore.





LOVE FOR ENEMIES  (Mat 5.38-48,Lk6.20-31)


For all our foes Christ bade us pray

And turn the other cheek

Such love can hatred turn away

And that, dear Lord, we seek.


It's easy Lord to love a friend

But hard to love a foe

Your help we therefore pray you send

So love to all we show.


And help us Lord should we confuse

Your love with being weak,

For men the temple did misuse

And Christ was far from meek.





Lord make us worthy of your trust

While stewards here we serve

So when you come as come you must

Your praise we will deserve.



BUILD ON ROCK  (Mat 7.21-27)


We all should build on rock we know

So for salvation's sake

When winds of life upon us blow

Our souls they cannot shake.


Lord help us build and act we pray

Upon your word so true

'Til Jesus at your gate will say

"Come in, for I know you".






Like Abraham may we receive

That faith to make us strong

So praising you we shall believe

And trust our whole life long.



DISCIPLES / HARVEST  (Mat 9.36-10.8)


In plenty does the harvest grow

But labourers are few

Into the fields pray help us go

Workers Lord for you.



WHOM TO FEAR  (Mat 10.26-33)


You count dear Lord each single hair

Upon each lowly head

You keep the sparrows in the air

For this our Christ has said.


With courage we can face our goal

But yet one thing we fear

It's satan who destroys the soul

So help us Lord, be near.



                          Mat 10.37-42)

Make us worthy Lord so we

May tread where Jesus trod

Now dead to sin help us to be

Alive to you our God.


Lord help us do as Jesus said

To follow him where he has led

So dead to sin we live anew

Alive for ever, Lord, to you.





When heavy laden in this life

With trouble ev'rywhere

Though all around us strife is rife

Still you, our Lord will care.


To you we come when all forsake

And care not for our plight

Christ's easy yoke Lord may we take,

His burden which is light.


For you alone can make us whole

When life puts us to test

And to each tired and weary soul

Give peace, your love and rest.


THE SOWER (Mat 13.1-9)


Your words like seeds dear Lord you sow

To fall where'er they might

Through lack of soil some will not grow

Still others weeds must fight.


We pray your seeds in us may find

A rich and fertile field

And nurtured grow in heart and mind

A hundredfold to yield.


RUNNING THE RACE   (1 Cor 9.24-27)


Lord, as we run life's testing race

Please guide our steps each day

For we would win by your sweet grace

The prize which can't decay.




WEEDS OR WHEAT  (Mat 13.24-30)

The weeds and wheat grow side by side

Till harvest comes again

And then the reaper will decide

To burn or to retain.


Lord may your blessings fall like rain

Your love a warming sun

Then to your barn as wholesome grain

Send us when harvest's done.


KINGDOM LIKE A PEARL  (Mat 13.44-46)


Like priceless pearls which some acquire

With worldly sacrifice

So heaven's kingdom we desire

Lord help us with the price.


For money cannot heaven buy

Your love for which we yearn

So show us Lord how we may try

That place with you to earn.


DO NOT CONDEMN (Jn 8.1-11)  (see p26)

A stone dear Lord we dare not throw

For we all have some sin we know

Forgive us Lord and help we pray

So we forgive in that same way

Then love may live within each heart

Not hate which tears us all apart.


A stone dear Lord we dare not throw

Forgive us all our sin

Help us forgive all people so

Your love may enter in.


O Lord we pray forgive our past

And may we too forgive

For who will dare a stone to cast

And judge how others live?




LOVE of  GOD  (Rom 8.35-39)


Upon us all some rain must fall

As through this life we go

Lord help us then to each recall

The truth which we should know.


That there's no thing can come between

The love of God and us,

The love which through our Christ is seen,

Lord keep it ever thus.



REACH OUT YOUR ARM (Mat 14.22-33)


When tempests rage upon life's sea

From faithless doubt Lord keep us free

But if we founder and fear harm

Then save us Lord, reach out your arm.




Give grace and blessing Lord we pray

Your face upon us shine

May all the peoples learn your way

And of your love divine.


Your word which guides us through life's maze

Help us to proudly tell

Till ev'ry nation sings your praise

And all in peace shall dwell.



KEY TO THE KINGDOM (Mat 16.13-20)


To Peter, Jesus gave the key

To heaven's kingdom fair

Lord by your grace we pray that we

May gain admission there.






With worldly wealth none can afford

To pay salvation's price

Accept ourselves we ask you Lord

A living sacrifice.


To earthly ways we can't conform

If we would work for you,

Renew our minds, our lives transform

And guide us Lord pray do.




When two or three meet in Christ's name

He said he would be there

We pray he joins us just the same

Lord, listen to our prayer.




Not seven times should we forgive

But seventy times seven

Lord help us so like Christ we live

And take the path to heaven.



Christ showed us Lord how we should live

Not seven times must we forgive

But seven times by seventy,

As you forgave then so should we,

But we are weak and fail we may

So help us Lord to live his way.



As you forgive my silly rhymes,

I must all men forgive

For seventy times seven times,

Lord help me so to live.



WORTHY OF THE GOSPEL (Phil 1.20-24,27)


Lord all our lives we pray that we

Will worthy of Christ's gospel be

And of one mind strive side by side

To see our faith in love applied.



ONE ACCORD (Phil 2.1-11)


Please keep us Father in accord

Alike in love and mind

And make us humble like our Lord

Considerate and kind.



PEACE OF GOD (Phil 4.6-9)


On what is worthy, lovely, just

Pure, excellent and true

Lord help us think, and, as we must,

Not only think but do.


And open, Lord, each heart and mind

So Christ may enter there

Then by your grace we pray we find

Your peace beyond compare.




Your peace O God we pray you give

Which passes understanding

So Christ in hearts and minds shall live

Our sins all notwithstanding.




GIVE STRENGTH  (Phil 4.12-14,19-20)


There's nothing which we cannot do

If strength you will provide

Lord make us strong to work for you

And be there by our side.



RENDER UNTO CAESAR  (Mat 22.15-21)


To God and Caesar we must bow

And render each his due

In this decision show us how

Lest we confuse the two.





In humbleness we pray that we

May live as Christ did teach

And not be like a Pharisee

But practice what we preach.



TRIMMED LAMPS  (Mat 25.1-13)


We pray that we may keep awake

With oil enough to spare

So when Christ comes, trimmed lamps we take

Lord help us all prepare.



THIEF IN THE NIGHT  (1 Thess 5.1-6)


Like thieves at night will oft times creep

May come our judgement day

Lord give your light lest we should sleep

Keep us awake we pray.



SHEEP AND GOATS (Mat 25.31-46)


Howe'er for others we may care

Christ said to him we do

For those in trouble, need, despair

Lord help us work for you.


So when his flock Christ separates

Deciding what to keep

When all the goats he then locates

We pray we will be sheep.




Lord help us treat those we shall meet

The way you want us to

So when Christ sits on judgement seat

As sheep we come to you.



LISTEN TO THE SON (Mat 17.1-9)(Mk 9.2-10)

                                        (Lk 9.28-36)


To hear the Father's dear loved Son

We all must listen well

Through him Lord speak to ev'ryone

And your Good News pray tell.


Speak clearly Lord so we may hear

The Gospel of your Word

And help us spread it far and near

Till ev'ry soul has heard.




WATER OF LIFE  (Jn 4.4-15)


Lord may we drink the cup you bring

Or dry we will remain

Pray let us drink at Christ's pure spring

To never thirst again.






Lord make us children of your light

Shine through the dark so deep,

So we may rise from death and night

Awake us from our sleep.






Christ is the Resurrection Lord

The Life and he did say

If we believe we are assured

That death will hold no sway.


We pray O Lord that faith you give

Which we may so apply

That if we die we ever live

And so will never die.




OBEY  (Heb 4.14-16, 5.7-9)


Through Christ our great high priest we pray,

Give mercy which we seek

As he obeyed help us obey

For we, you know, are weak.




SEND US  (Jn 20.19-31)


As he was sent, our Christ did send

Disciples in his name

Use us as well to help extend

Your message just the same.


Pray give the Spirit and be near

To help us Lord we ask

So 'Peace be with you' we may hear

When we have done our task.




WITH US ON THE ROAD  (Lk 24.13-35)


May Christ go with each step we tread

As down life's road we walk

Both then as when we're breaking bread

May Jesus come and talk.


Pray open Lord our ears and eyes

Lest to our great dismay

We find we failed to recognise

Christ joined us on our way.




CALL YOUR SHEEP  (Jn 10.1-10)


As shepherds call by name their sheep

To pastures safe and sure

We pray the thief at bay you keep

Lord lead us through Christ's door.





A ROOM FOR US  (Jn 14.1-12)


Father your house has rooms to spare

But none to you may go

Except through Christ our Lord who's there

Where we would be also.


For in your house dear Lord we pray

Christ will our room prepare

Through him the Life, the Truth, the Way

Grant we that house may share.


SPIRIT OF TRUTH  (Jn 14.15-21)


The Spirit of Truth may we know

To guide us as we live

Till Christ himself to us will show

And life eternal give.


Please send the Spirit Lord we pray

To guide and help us on our way

As in Christ's love we ever grow

Till he himself to us will show.


BE PROUD  (1 Pet 4.13-16)


If we as Christians are defamed

Lord keep us ever proud

To be so named we're not ashamed

But thank our God out loud.


GRACE  (2 Cor 13.11-14)

May these three gifts we ask in prayer

On us all be outpoured

The love of God for us to share

The grace of Christ our Lord

The Holy Spirit's fellowship

May these be with us all

Lord grant them lest we fall or slip

Pray hear us when we call.






Lord make us learn your ways

And teach us so we learn

To walk in truth always

For we your praise would earn


Your paths pray let us take

To go where you will lead

Lord for salvation's sake

Help us your words to heed.


PROPER THINGS (Rom 8.31-34)


With you our Father on our side

Against us who can be?

You gave your Son who for us died

And so has made us free


You always answer when we pray

Though may appear not so

For you will act in your own way

A way we may not know


We thank you that you hear our prayer

For all your bounty brings

But when we pray help us use care

To ask for proper things.


THE PERFECT LAW (Ps 19.7-14)

Lord help us keep your perfect law

Rejoicing in what's right

And make us wise Lord we implore

Show to our eyes your light.


Lord help us keep your perfect law

Which will our souls restore

And may your testimony sure

Give wisdom we implore.




WILL NOT PERISH (Jn 3.14-21)


O God the world you so did cherish

That you your Son did give

So that believers would not perish

But evermore would live


So lead us Lord from out of darkness

Into your shining light

Remove from us all evil weakness

So we will do what's right.





As Christ's servants we should serve

And follow we believe

Lord help us so that we deserve

Your honour to receive.


We pray that we don't stand alone

As single grains of wheat

But serve until the harvest's grown

And all our work's complete.




Lord your commands help us obey

Give faith our weapon for life's fray

So worldly sin we may defeat

With satan kept beneath our feet.



HEAL US (Lk 7.11-17)


Your power through Christ you did reveal

He healed with but a touch

All people Lord we pray you heal

The world needs you so much.




OUR ADVOCATE (1 Jn 2.1-6)


Lord send our advocate we pray

And help us do what's right

But if perchance we go astray

Then save us from our plight


Lord grant that Christ we always know

In him we would abide

So help us walk the path you show

With Jesus at our side.




Lord send our advocate

Help us your laws obey

Our sins Lord expiate

And all the world's we pray.





Lord may our shepherd kind and good

Guide us your sheep we pray

To follow him where'er we should,

Lord keep the wolf at bay.


And may we help bring to your fold

All lost and wand'ring stock

Until at last your fold will hold

All people as your flock.



TRUE VINE (Jn 15.1-8)


Christ is the one true vine

May we each branch we pray

Yield fruit that's fresh and fine

So we're not pruned away.






A new commandment Jesus taught

To love all in the way

That God's own love to us he brought

We pray we may obey.


No greater love could any show

Than when our Saviour died

To bear good fruit Lord help us grow

Till all in love abide.



UNITED AND TRUE  (Jn 17.11-19)


Please help us Father through your Son

So to your name we're true

Protect us from the evil one

And make us one like you.



ALL NATIONS  (Mat 28.16-20)


Pray use us Lord to bring to you

People from ev'ry nation

Be with us Lord in all we do

Till end of all creation.


To ev'ry nation far and wide

Help us your message send

So as disciples all abide

Until the age does end.


KEEP WATCH  (Mk 13.33-37)


Lord help us so our watch we keep

For we would be prepared

So when Christ comes we're not asleep

And you will know we cared.




FREE FROM BLEMISH  (2 Pet 3.8-14)

Guide us Lord so we don't perish

When old worlds pass away

Keep us free from spot or blemish

In new to dwell and stay.


BLAMELESS  (1 Thess 5.16-24)

Lord sanctify and make us whole

Our spirit, body and our soul

And help us pray and grant your peace

Let our rejoicing never cease

From evil Lord help us abstain

All blameless till Christ comes again.


SO LET IT BE  (Lk 1.26-38)

St. Mary who did learn God's plan

And from the angel heard

She was to bear the Son of Man

Received with trust God's word.


Lord when your will we won't accept

And say we can't agree

On Mary's faith may we reflect

And say 'So let it be'.


MAKE HASTE  (Ps 40.8-13)  (see p36)

The love of God we can't conceal

It is too great to hide

Help us O Lord your love reveal

To people far and wide.


May we delight to do your will

And never be disgraced

But if perchance we come to ill

To help us Lord make haste.

         or (v6-10)

Lord always help us do your will

In that may we delight

And spread your word abroad until

The world lives in your light.




REPENT AND BELIEVE  (Mk 1.14-20) (see p17)


Help us repent Lord and believe

And make us fishers too

To spread Christ's net so all receive

Your word and life anew.





Lord if today we hear your voice

Let not our hearts be hard

But in your word may we rejoice

And evil thus discard.



PREACH THE GOSPEL  (1 Cor 9.16-19,22-23)


Like Paul may we the gospel preach

But each in our own way

While some with oratory teach

Few words will others say.


So help us Lord your gospel preach

This marvellous good news

But so all people we may reach

Show us the way to choose.



IMITATE CHRIST  (1 Cor 10.31-11.1)


We pray that all the things we do

Will be to glory Lord of you

Help us to please and not offend

So that each person is our friend

For if our Christ we imitate

We pray his love will banish hate.




YOUR SEAL  (2 Cor 1.18-22)


Lord put your seal upon us pray

And as you guaranteed

Your spirit in our hearts let stay

From sin may we be freed.



RAISE US  (Mk 2.1-12)


As he who through the roof came in

May we be faithful too

We ask in Christ forgive our sin

Raise us to walk anew.





Like letters Lord we pray we be

May Christ write on our hearts

So your own spirit all may see

And read what He imparts.





Though we are humble earthenware

May we your vessels be

To help your light shine ev'rywhere

For all the world to see.



THINGS UNSEEN  (2 Cor 4.13-5.1)


As we believe Lord may we speak

Not asking things we see

But those unseen pray help us seek

Which last eternally.




MUSTARD SEED  (Mk 4.26-34)


Lord we are small but may we be

Each one a mustard seed

To grow in faith into a tree

Your shade that all do need.


PEACE BE STILL  (Mk 4.35-41)


Lord when in life our boat does fill

Give faith to calm the gale

Please let us hear Christ's "Peace be still"

So we may onward sail.


THE WAY  (Jn 14.6-14)


To reach you Father, Christ did say

Through him we all must go

He is the Life, the Truth, the Way

To us that way pray show.


THE LIGHT  (1 Jn 1.1-5)


To banish darkness Jesus came

He brightens dark of night

To all the world help us proclaim

That you, our God, are light.


PREACH (Mk 16.15-20)(Mat 10.7-13)


To all creation may we preach

But each in our own way

While some with oratory teach

Few words will others say.


So help us Lord your gospel preach

This marvellous good news

But so all people we may reach

Show us the way to choose.




HEIRS of GOD  (Gal 4.4-7)   (C'mas 1B)

                     (Mary mother, Naming J)

Father into our hearts please send

Christ's spirit so we share

In your great kingdom with no end

Each one your child and heir.



               (Jn 1.10-18)  (C'mas 2ABC)


Although we cannot see your face

Yet Lord we can know you

Through Christ who brings us truth and grace

And chance to live anew.


So unlike those who can't believe,

Your light Lord let us see,

Our Saviour Christ may we receive

Your children then are we.




People of truth help us to be

Who hear our Saviour's voice

As he obeyed, Lord, so may we

Doing your will our choice.


SCRIPTURES  (Lk 24.36-48) (Easter 2B)


Through Christ, Lord, open mind and heart

So we may comprehend

All that your sciptures do impart

To guide till journey's end.




Though we can't touch Christ's hands or feet

Lord may our faith be strong

To guide until at last we meet

With you, where we belong.




THE COUNSELLOR (Jn 15.26-27,16.4-15 Pent B)

                        (Jn 14.8-17 Pent C)

The Spirit of Truth, Lord we pray

You send to be with us each day

The Counsellor to help and guide

Till we at last with you reside.


BORN ANEW (Jn 3.1-17) (Trin B,Lnt 2A)

                        (see p46)

Your kingdom Father we would see

So born anew please help us be

And grant through Christ, as we believe

That your forgiveness we receive

Then when at last this race is run

Eternal life with you we've won.


SEND THE SPIRIT (Mk 1.4-11) (Ord 1B)

                (Lk 3.15-22)(Ord 1C)

We are not worthy to untie

Christ's sandals Lord we know

But send the Spirit, help us try

Such love as his to show.                






Father accept your people's praise

For all the glory earth displays

Lord may your bounty never cease

And bless your people with true peace.


HELP US HEAR (1Sam 3.1-10) (Ord 2B)


Please help us Lord to hear your call

And make it loud and clear

For we would answer one and all

That we your servants hear.




KNOWLEDGE & LOVE (1Cor 8.1-13) Ord 4B


Lord may the knowledge we acquire

With wisdom be applied

To be puffed up we don't aspire

Please save us from false pride.


But with your love, we pray that we

May build as on a rock

Assisting others and not be

Ever a stumbling block.


THE LORD'S LAW (Ps 1) 25B, 6C also p17


Please help us Lord walk in your light,

And not the sinners' way,

Your law to ponder with delight

Lest we should go astray.


Like trees, Lord, keep us by your side

To bear much fruit we pray

Unlike the chaff which scattered wide

By wind is blown away.         


SAVED & RESTORED (Ps 80.1-7,Rom 1.1-7)

                             Adv 4A


Show us Lord the light of your face

For we would be restored

Save us by your love and your grace

Through Jesus Christ our Lord.


REACHING OUT ( Holy Cross)


Our parish, Lord, we pray you guide

In faith please help us grow

May we with Christ, Lord, reach out wide

So all your love will know.




BLESSED IS HE..(Is 55.1-9,Lk 13.35) Lent 3C


Lord help us listen when you speak

Incline our hearts to hear

And when we thirst show where to seek

Your living water clear.


Because our blessed Saviour came

In your dear name O Lord

May we, through grace, salvation claim

Not as an earned reward.


BE HOLY (1Pet 1.13-25) (Easter 2A)


As you are holy, help us try

To live the holy way,

Redeemed by Christ now may we die

To sin, O Lord we pray.


May Jesus Christ our faith renew

And, by his saving grace,

In you we trust, are born anew

And hope to see your face.


Though grass may wither, flowers fall

You word will still abide,

Help us obey, show love to all

Till we with you reside.


PRESS FORWARD (Phil 3.3-14) Lnt 5C, Ord 27A


Lord grant through Christ, who we believe,

Has claimed us as his own,

True righteousness we shall achieve

By faith, not law alone.


No looking back, Lord, may we do

But pressing forward go

Towards our goal of life with you

No greater prize we know.




HEALING (Mt 15.21-28) Ord 20A (see p42)


The woman's daughter Christ could heal

Because of faith so true

Please grant our faith, Lord, be as real

For we need healing too     )

And heal our sins, Lord, do.)


ETERNAL LIFE (Jn 3.13-17) Holy Cross


Lord, grant through Christ, your only son

True faith that we believe

So we will when, this life is done,

Eternal life receive.


PROCLAIM GOD'S GLORY (Lk 8.26-39) Ord 12C


The man possessed whom Christ set free

God's healing did proclaim

Now to your glory, Lord, may we

Bear witness just the same.


HOLY CITY (Heb 12.18-29) Ord 21C


Lord our faith unshakeable make

So we by grace may share

Your kingdom which there's naught can shake,

Your Holy City fair.


RESURRECTION (Lk 20.27-40) Ord 32C


You are our God of those who live

In heaven as on earth

Through Christ grant faith and Lord please give

Us help to prove our worth.


Your children, Lord, please let us be

So when this life is done

By saving grace we then shall see

A new one has begun.




OBEY (Mt 1.18-25) Joseph (see p17,116)


As Joseph did with trust obey

And followed your command

Lord help us do in the same way

Whatever you demand.




TEND MY SHEEP (Jn 21.15-22) Peter & Paul

                    Easter 2(3)  (see p23)

Christ's "Follow me", O Lord we pray

Ensure we hear, help us obey

May he our shepherd us then send

His other sheep to feed and tend.




TO SERVE (Mt 20.20-28) James (see p6)

             (Mk 9.35) Ord 25B


We would be first, Lord, in your sight

And so must serve we know

To help us choose the way that's right

Your will for each please show.



SINGLE OFFERING (Mk 13.1-11, Heb 10.11-18)


Christ is our sacrifice for sin,

And only one we need,

Who comes again to gather in

All those your word do heed.


Lord, from your word, don't let us stray

In faith please help us grow

So when this age shall pass away,

We all to you may go.




CLAIM REWARD (Mk 9.41-42) Ord 26B


Your true reward, Lord, may we claim

With cups of water in Christ's name

And let us cause no one to sin

For life eternal we would win.



OPEN GATE (Ps 118.19-29) Palm Sun


Your gate, O Lord, please open wide

And help us do what's right

So praising you we go inside

Rejoicing in your light.



CUPS OF WATER (Mt 10.40-42)  Ord 13A


Your true reward, Lord, may we claim

With cups of water in Christ's name

For he has said, and we believe

That you, through him, we shall receive.



IMPART THE WORD (1Tim 3.14-4.6) Ord 25C


We pray that we, Lord, ne'er depart

From faith and gospel true

To all the world help us impart

The word Christ brought from you.



SET EXAMPLE (1Tim 4.12-5.8) Ord 26C


The right example we would give

In conduct and in speech

In faith and love Lord may we live,

Your word please help us teach.



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