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For creatures which this world do share

And plants and trees so tall

For flowers bright which scent the air

Our senses to enthrall.


For birds that soar across the sky

Your praise to sing each day

And make with them our hearts to fly

While on our earthbound way.


For parents' tender loving care

And baby's smile so sweet

For fam-i-ly our life to share

And friends whom we shall meet.


For warmth of sun which makes things grow

And drenching quenching rain

For all the cooling winds that blow

Each season back again.


For sounds of children at their play

While growing in your name

For faithful ev'rywhere who pray

In tongues which mean the same.


For music which uplifts the soul

In hymns of praise we sing

For healing that can make us whole

And all the gifts you bring.


For scripture's guidance, your good news

Your people's church on earth

For sacrifice your son did choose

To die for our re-birth.


For our dear land so wide and free

And plains and mountains high

For rivers and the boundless sea

And clouds which scud the sky.


For sun and moon and stars at night

Which shine upon the earth

For ev'ry great and glorious sight

That mocks at money's worth.


For all the joys of life you give

And comfort for our tears

For promise that with you we live

At sunset of our years.


For all these bounties you bestow

In many varied ways

For all the love to us you show

We offer thanks and praise.







True peace we all do crave and need

Yet often cannot find

For fear and conflict ever breed

On earth, or in our mind.


Abominations are all wars

When little children die

Death's angels soar with bloody claws

While all do cry, but why?


While might is seen as always right

'Tis folly to be weak

At times we must stand firm and fight

Yet something else we seek.


As violence round us daily grows

And armanents pile high

Man's hate of man still more he shows

What else then can we try?


Religion some will oft times say

Has caused but hate and war

But man not God has gone astray

And that's their reason's flaw.


The answer came from God's own son

For love is all we need

So let us try it ev'ryone

And start to sow the seed.







It's past the scope of human mind

This universe so wide

Though countless stars the eye may find

Still more does distance hide.


Each tiny blinking, twinkling star

A sun in distant sky

Who knows what lands they warm afar?

What creatures live and die?


And then there is an inner space

A world too small to see

Where life still runs the endless race

Minute though it might be.


The forms of life in our small world

The laws by which it's bound

The mysteries we have unfurled

Continue to astound.


How came these wonders to exist?

For that none can deny,

By accident some do insist

But certainly not I.






O what is wrong with life today

With violence on increase?

For all does seem in disarray

Will mayhem never cease?


When entertainments filth portray

To shock with all their might

Why should we wonder at decay

Of basic human right.


When youths to drugs are blithely led

For vile and evil gain

When all their life and pride are bled

What hope can there remain?


It's adults who such muck purvey

And bleed society

And children who the price must pay

Can no one hear their plea?


When people sneer at family

And other styles promote

Why can't we learn from history?

Why don't God's laws we quote?


Though puritans we would not be

Lest we swing back too far

Can our desire for decency

Be really so bizarre?


And whose responsibility

If we don't take a stand?

From blame can all of us be free

With heads so deep in sand?


Another question we must ask,

Pray God we really care,

Have we the fibre for the task

Our fabric to repair?









It's all through life that music's played

By bird, by wind, by tree,

By surf and mother's heart it's made

They're God's great symphony.



Its power can soothe the savage breast

Or spur to victory

A lullaby gives peace and rest

A song can set us free.



It can our heart and spirits raise

When we feel less than whole

Without it where are hymns of praise?

It's food for ev'ry soul.



To play life's part both clear and sure

And keep in harmony

Let's use the great composer's score

And nature's melody.









It's what are you, what do you do?

That people always say

When they are introduced to you

At home or work or play.



Why don't they ask us who we are

Or where our int'rests lie?

They'd rather judge us by our car

Or by our old school tie.



For with our work the only test

Which needs to be applied

Is do we give our very best

And do it well with pride?



It's who, not what that we should ask,

For Christ to save us came

And worked at just a common task

Yet is the world the same?








When troubles seem too much to bear

Do not give up all hope

Take as it comes each single care

And pray with that to cope.



Our yesterdays have passed away

And what is done is done

Tomorrow is another day

Just live the present one.



Unless their tombstone you can see

Remember that from strife

No one on earth is always free

Be glad that you have life.



To plot life's course in just one day

Can really overwhelm

So sail one leg along the way,

Ask God to take the helm.






Forgive me Lord if I ask why

Should people suffer so?

And why should little children die

Before they even grow?


"The will of God" some people say

But this does seem a slight,

To blame the God of Love this way

Most surely can't be right.


"Because of sin" still others claim,

"That apple on the tree",

And much is done in satan's name

With that we all agree.


To overcome, we all must strive

So we may stronger be

For we're not puppets but alive,

We have a will that's free.


And yet more answers I would find

There must be more to know,

Forgive me Lord who gave my mind

Which asks, why is it so?


But you are love and that I know,

Some answers now must wait

Until, I pray, I forward go

To you through heaven's gate.




86.86 St Agnes (Dykes) etc)



We thank you for your gift our Church

And faith that grows anew,

The one true peace for which we search

Is only found through you.


Of people this our Church is made

Not bricks which will not last,

The memory will never fade

Of saints from ages past.


And thank you for our parish here

With friends and neighbours true,

Who meet in fellowship so dear

To praise and worship you.


So bless this parish Lord we pray

Our Church of Holy Cross,               (optional)

Make all our actions ev'ry day

Christ's gain and satan's loss.


And bless your people here O Lord

Pray keep us in your care

For we all pray with one accord

Your way and love to share.


And so your Church on earth may grow

Lord help us play our part

Till all mankind your love will know

With Christ in ev'ry heart.







It's love and kindness which we need

To oil the wheels of life

Some love that's shown in word or deed

When selfishness is rife.


For in our hearts we all recall

Someone from days gone by

Who by some act however small

Did brighten up our sky.


So if remembered we would be

We need not do great things,

For earthly immortality

Just see what kindness brings.


But memories will die you say

And this alas is true

But love can earn along the way

Eternal life for you.




For all the gifts, Lord, you bestow

In many varied ways

For food you give and love you show

We offer thanks and praise.




For food we now will soon receive,

For friends and family,

Whate'er we do or don't believe,

Let's truly thankful be.






We are in Christ one fam-i-ly

Lord may it ever grow

And from all evil keep us free

May we your peace all know.

To you dear Lord our thanks and praise

For those who went before

Pray help us Lord build all our days

On their foundation sure.


O help us Lord to hear your Word

To study your Good News

And spread it wide till all have heard

And thus your way may choose.

While in our wide community

Lord make us sensitive

So others' needs we all can see

And helping hands will give.


And may we always reach out wide

A welcome may we show

So those without shall come inside

And they your love will know.

To do these things may we receive

The Holy Spirit true

For by its pow-er we believe

Though weak we much can do.


So send the Spirit, give us skill

To do your work below

May we in faith all do your will

As through this life we go.

So hear us Lord your fam-i-ly

As we to you all sing

For we would live eternally

With you our God, our King.






We should not be afraid to fear

Its stimulus we need

When tigers stalk us and appear

Its message we must heed.


It helps us all to stay alive

And see another day

Without it we could not survive

The race would die away.


We should therefore take proper care

If cut we all will bleed

Yet risks at times we needs must dare

If we are to succeed.


We must expect to feel afraid

How else can we be brave?

As well as fear when we were made

The Lord some courage gave.


While some fear truth, some others pain

Or maybe the unknown,

The strength we need each one can gain

For we are not alone.


So give us wisdom Lord we ask

To know the things to fear

And give us courage for our task

With knowledge you are near.


And for the things we can't control

Lord help us know them too

May we have peace of mind and soul

By leaving them to you.


And should it seem we cannot cope

We're sure you understand

Lord send your love, your peace, your hope

Reach out your helping hand.





To be a Christian, we may hear,

Whatever does it mean?

Are they just cranks who live in fear

Of God who can't be seen?


Or hypocrites who go about

In sombre piety

Who go to church, are so devout

For others just to see?


Or people who are mild and meek

Who think that it is right

To always turn the other cheek

And never show some fight?


What answer is there I can give

And how does one explain

That through Christ's way we try to live

The whole world stands to gain?


To love our neighbour we could say

Is what we have to do

And take our cross up ev'ry day

For these indeed are true.


To follow Christ and read his word

And spread it far and wide

Till ev'ryone the news has heard

And know he's at their side.


To work for peace which people seek

To live with love for all,

But not in manner meek and weak

For we with Christ walk tall.


Yet I would use one statement small

In words succinct and brief

Two words for me which say it all

The core of my belief.


We are not faces in a crowd

Who just a label wear,

It means "Christ's People" and we're proud

That we this honour share.                             77










Lord grant us faith so we may know

That you are always near,

The faith that gives us room to grow

And banishes all fear.



The faith that lets us move aside

Those mountains raised by doubt,

Lest they our view of God should hide

And block his sunshine out.



The faith so, when life's storms assail

And toss our fragile boat,

We trust our Lord to calm the gale

And keep us all afloat.



The faith so, though we cannot see

Our Saviour with these eyes,

We know he died to set us free

And from that death did rise.



So grant us faith Lord, help us show

Your love to all mankind

Then ev'ryone your peace will know

And life eternal find.






The sunrise glows through clouds of grey

And bathes the earth in gold

To usher in God's fair new day

To banish dark and cold.


Each day we have is fresh and new

A chance again to try

To do the things we failed to do

To help those we passed by.


We should not dwell upon the past,

Though from it we can learn,

Let's live each day as if the last

A new leaf let us turn.


So when the sun sets in the West

Its beauty sinks from view,

We each can say we did our best

In love this day we grew.


For then we do not need to fear

The very darkest night

For we all know there will appear

A new day dawning bright.


A day when sunrise will not fade

And birds will always sing

When all God's glory is displayed

His love in ev'rything.










Her arms around his neck entwine

Her head upon his chest

As if to say this father mine

In all the world is best.


He has no fault in her young eyes

Which shine with love so clear

He is her refuge strong and wise

With him she knows no fear.


But as she grows she'll come to know

That parents can be wrong

They have their fears, their tears can flow

They are not always strong.


Yet in the meantime each young day

May parents ev'rywhere

Earn children's trust along the way

Providing love and care.


And when these children are aware

As humans we are weak

Then may they know a Father's there

With strength for all who seek.







So what does Easter mean you say

With eggs of chocolate?

It's just a public holiday

To that we all relate.


But why does ev'ry bakers shop

Have buns which so entice

With funny crosses on the top?

That's just so they look nice.


Don't waste your time by asking why

Just eat and have some fun

For there's no hope when we must die

This life's the only one.


Thank God we know that that's not true

For Christ did rise so we

Could live with him a life anew,

From sin and death set free.








Though sad to part, I'm glad to know

I do not lose a friend

For we in Christ together go

As through this life we wend.







We all must journey down life's road

And sometimes trip and fall

Then none it seems can share our load

Or hear us when we call.


But when the mountain we have climbed

The river we have crossed

Someone was there we often find

To help when we were lost.


Be ever with us Lord we pray

Along this dusty track

Guide ev'ry footstep on our way

For we cannot turn back.


And when we reach this journey's end

To take a path that's new

Go with us as we turn that bend

So we may walk with you.






Please hear us Lord, and come what may,

Be always with us ev'ry day.









When you are down and feeling low

And no one seems to care

When fears and doubts consuming grow

There's always someone there.


When'er you stumble on your way

Your load too much to bear

He walks beside you each long day

Along life's thoroughfare.


When you are empty, scared and lost

All things are so unfair

He'll give you peace, the only cost

To speak to him in prayer.


When life seems nought but clouds and rain

A toil of dark despair

He'll bring the sunshine back again

Your spirit he'll repair.


He counts each hair upon your head

And clothes the lily fair

There is no fear or doubt or dread

Of which he's unaware.


Behold he stands and knocks your door

With love beyond compare

Invite him in for evermore

Your joy and tears to share.






May roads you take be decked with flow'rs

Your rain that falls but gentle show'rs

And in your skies no storms appear

Your days bring laughter, scarce a tear.


May birds sing melodies on high

To lift your soul as you pass by

From summer sun may trees give shade

Your pathway pass through leafy glade.


May love and beauty round you flow

And peace within forever grow

May each new day bring something new

To learn, discover or to do.


For ev'ry minute, ev'ry day

May God be with you on your way

To walk with you close by your side

Your true companion, helper, guide.






The Joy of Christmas be with you

To lift your soul each day anew

May children's laughter fill the air

And joy abound for all to share.


May Peace of Christmas touch your heart

And dwell therein to ne'er depart

Then may that peace spread far and wide

So in each heart it shall abide.


The Love of Christmas may you know

And thence from you to others flow

Until old hatreds pass away

And in God's love all live each day.






We thank you for the Word you give

Your light to guide our way,

Lord help us by that Word to live,

To follow you each day.




We thank you for the Word you send

The light to guide our way,

Lord grant that we may comprehend

Exactly what you say.


Then by that Word which you impart

Help us to live we pray

Lord sow your love within each heart

And walk with us each day.





While some are large and some are small

Both simple and complex,

We know they come to one and all

Our hearts and minds to vex.


On one, straight logic may apply

For others hearts hold sway

At times in anguish we may cry

"Dear God show us the way".


Though they may lead to bitter tears

Which we would fain evade,

Despite our worries and our fears,

Decisions must be made.






When worry's taken to extremes

It wears us down inside

As stones are worn by flowing streams

Or by the surging tide.


If worry bursts its bank to flood

Engulfing thought and mind,

We scramble through a sea of mud

No rest or peace we find.


That worry's futile there's no doubt

It drags but further down,

We, from the maelstrom, must get out

Lest we submerge and drown.


So we can cope as best we may,

Be swept away no more,

Lord, when life's eddies swirl our way,

Please help us to the shore.






Dear God I'm grateful I can say

I've not been grumpy this fine day,

No greed or anger have I shown

Or envied what is not my own.


I've not been mean in things I've said,

But soon I must get out of bed

And when I do, dear God, I'm sure

I'll need your help a great deal more.







Please hear us Father when we pray

Please listen to the words we say

For Jesus said, when we believe,

Our prayers you always will receive.


May we, your Church, to all proclaim

The gospel message in Christ's name

And live our lives for all to see

In faith and love and unity.


Our prayer we offer Father through

Your Son, our Lord, who reigns with you.


We pray for people ev'rywhere

Lord guide and keep them in your care

And help us all to live in peace

So want and wars at last shall cease.


Our prayer....


Along life's highway as we go

Your love for others may we show

And from all harm keep safe each day

Our friends and families we pray.


Our prayer....


Lord with your healing love pray bless

Those sick, in need or in distress

To all who care for them grant please

Compassion, strength and expertise.


Our prayer....


We thank you for the lives so true

Of all the faithful now with you

May we all join them by your grace

When we have run this earthly race.










The mighty breakers pound the shore

Then turn to foam and are no more,

Allow the waves life's storms create

Through sands of time to dissipate.


We hear the surf that crashes in

With such a cacophonous din

Become a murmur in the night

To calm and soothe before first light.


Observe the seabirds in the sky

And watch them swooping, soaring high,

Above your cares with them fly free

To let your heart the glory see.


Our ship of life we oft must sail

Through stormy seas and raging gale,

Await the gentle, cooling breeze

That lets us sail our ship with ease.






He stands without with lantern bright

To light the way from sin

The door he knocks through darkest night

Must open from within.


The night is dark, the Saviour knocks

A door closed long ago

It has no outside catch or locks

Across it creepers grow.


He carries God's great saving light

To us He would come in,

But hearts and doors to Him shut tight

Must open from within.



Thank you God for school and play

Thank you for each lovely day,

Make us always kind and good

Help us do the things we should,

Thank you God for where we live

For our club and fun you give,

Thank you for our fam-i-ly

And for ev'ry bird and tree,

Keep us safe God in your care

And all children ev'rywhere.



I wish you happiness and love

On this your special day

A gentle warming sun above

While cooling breezes play.


A peaceful mind, a joyful heart

Are what I'd give to you

Such gifts as never will depart

But last your whole life through.


I have the love but not the skill

To give you all I should,

So ask some greater power will

Please grant the gifts I would.






When cares bear down and spirits fall

We cry to all in vain

But Christ is risen we recall

And he will come again.


Our Jesus died for humankind

From sin he set us free

No greater love could any find

Than shown to you and me.


Three days did pass, the Lord was dead

Then quaked the earth and skies

A stone rolled back, an angel said

"Fear not, the Lord did rise".


We are of course but human frail

But comfort we receive

For Thomas sought the mark of nail

Before he could believe.


We cannot touch his hand or side

But yet somehow we know

His spirit does with us abide

As through this life we go.


And when the final stream we ford

With joy we can exclaim

When as we meet our saviour Lord

"Our Christ has come again".







THE FAMILY                                    



The family has been always

A rock in shifting sands

Where young may grow in forming days

With loving guiding hands.


In families both large and small

Each member has a part

Where mothers, fathers, kinsfolk all

Their love and care impart.


They may not always smoothly sail

Of people they are made

A breeze at times becomes a gale

But love can still pervade.


The Son of Man did not disdain

In earthly home to live

This future's hope we must retain

And all protection give.


One other thing we must recall

And always keep in mind

The greatest family of all

Is that of humankind.








When fears and worries give no rest

Along life's dusty road

When we have done our human best

The Lord will take our load.


Without his will no sparrows fall

He counts our ev'ry hair

He cares for creatures large and small

And clothes the lily fair.


Let troubles be which we may bear

Sufficient for the day

Tomorrow for itself will care

If we but trust and pray.




When fears and worries give no rest

Along life's dusty road

When we have done our human best

Lord help us with our load.


Without your will no sparrows fall

You count our ev'ry hair

You care for creatures large and small

And clothe the lily fair.


Sufficient always to one day

Are troubles we may bear

Give us the faith to leave, we pray,

Tomorrow to your care.







O what an awe inspiring sight,

Unseen by light of day,

Which on a clear and cloudless night

The heavens will display.


The Southern Cross, the Milky Way,

The sparkling panoply,

Until the coming of the day

What beauty we can see.


We watch the moon traverse the sky

Like clockwork wax and wane,

Though it may fade, we can rely

On moonlight once again.


Then comes the breaking of the dawn

The sun begins to rise,

While heralding a brand new morn,

It dazzles earthbound eyes.


It's only time and point of view

Determine what we see

For all the glory comes anew

But patient we must be.


And whether day or whether night

Sometimes dark clouds appear

Which dim the sight of God's great light,

Be sure that they will clear.




When children must die ere they grow

Man's sin is to blame we well know.

Are we doomed to wage war

Here on earth evermore?

O Lord help us make it not so.







Lord guide and help me to achieve

Those things which I can do,

And those I can't, give faith to leave

Those problems up to you;

And grant me wisdom to perceive

The diff'rence 'twixt the two.




To change the things I can, give pray the skill;

To live with those I can't, grant me the will;

To tell which is which, the wisdom instil.





About tomorrow let's not fret

O'er that we hold no sway,

Make troubles which this day may get

Sufficient for today.





We are, of course, too well aware

Of our mortality,

A burden which we know we share

With all humanity.


When I was young, time seemed so slow,

Forever was a year,

But now the years like lightning go,

And old friends disappear.


For place in heaven faithful pray

When life on earth is done,

Most others hope, I dare to say,

For life beyond this one.


Reincarnation some would earn,

But I don't fancy that,

I'd be too scared I would return

A cockroach or a rat.


I look into the sky at night

Towards infinity,

And when I see this awesome sight,

What specks of dust are we.


From dust to dust's a term oft used,

But 'stardust' I would say,

For worlds which from the star stuff fused,

Become new stars some day.


(cont'd next page)







For life hereafter to exist,

Then we must have a soul,

A spirit  which will still persist

Though death needs take its toll.


We human beings have perceived,

In ev'ry time and place,

The spirit's place we need to heed

In this our earthly race.


The faiths which all God's message preach,

With Scriptures' guiding role,

Assist us in this life to reach

Salvation for our soul.


To me what spoke, clear like a bell,

The day my father died,

Was he had left that earthly shell,

And elsewhere did reside.


To do some good while here we live,

We all should surely choose.

Whate'er hereafter, it will give

All gain with nought to lose.









All life's too complex, some imply,

For evolution to apply,

There's been no change to the design

Created by their God divine.


But evolution, in my view,

Appears most likely to be true,

The evidence to me seems sound

From life today to fossils found.


If evolution not God's will,

Why have we that appendix still?

I have a rose that threw a sport

Producing blooms of different sort.


Microbes to Cosmos, the whole range,

Through course of time will die or change.

To say this can't be God's design,

The Almighty's plan could malign.


The Bible tells us how to live,

But scientific facts can't give.

Yet science can't all things explain,

A place for God, then, must remain.





When asked, the pupils could not tell

What point days start and nights depart.

Their Rabbi said, “Please listen well,

Don’t use the clock but use your heart”.


“When you can look on anyone

And brother or sister you see,

Then it is light, the day’s begun,

If not, it's dark and night must be”.


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