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Intercessions for 3 year cycle


DAY                      TITLE                             REF                                 PAGE



Adv 1                    Keep Awake                             Mt 24.37-44                     35

       2           Live in Harmony                      Rom 15.4-9                      35

       3           Be Patient                                 Jms 5.7-10                       35

       4           Saved & Restored           Ps 80.1-7,Rom 1.1-7                 60

C'mas                    Christmas                                 Jn 1.1-18                          13

C'mas 1       Temptation                               Heb 2.14-18                               19

                    We Thank You (last 3v)       (  Ps 148)                             66

           2       Receive Christ/Children          Jn 1.10-18                          58

Epiph          God's Purpose                           Eph 3.1-6                                   14

  do.             A Guiding Star                         Mt 2.1-12                          20

Lent 1          Temptation                               Mt 4.1-11                         19

        2          Listen To The Son                              Mt 17.1-9                         46

                     Born Anew                               Jn 3.1-17                          59

        3          Water of Life                            Jn 4.4-15                          47

        4          Children of Light                      Eph 5.8-14                       47

        5          Resurrection and Life               Jn 11.1-45                        47

Palm Sun    He is Lord/Obedience              Phil 2.5-11                      1, 44

                    Open Gate                                 Ps 118.19-29                    64

G.Fri           Obedience                                 Jn 18.11,37                     58

Easter                    Easter                                                                                           22

                    Christ is Risen                                                                   59

Easter 2       Faith Without Seeing               Jn 20.19-31                     22

  do.             Send Us                                                                             48

            3      Be Holy                                     1Pet 1.13-25                    61

            4      Call Your Sheep                       Jn 10.1-10                       48

            5      Room for Us                             Jn 14.1-12                        49

            6      Spirit of Truth                          Jn 14.15-21                     49

Ascen                    Ascension                                Eph 1.17-23                              24

Sun after     As One                                      Jn 17.1-11                        13

Pentec         Holy Spirit            1Cor 12.1-13,Jn20.19-23                     25

                                                  Acts 10.34-38, 2.1-21                         15

Trin Sun      Grace                                        2 Cor 13.11-14                 49



DAY                      TITLE                                       REF                                 PAGE


Epiph+1                Holy Spirit & Power                Acts 10.34-38                           15

                              Bless With Peace                      Ps 29                               59

          2                  Make Haste to Help Us            Ps 40.8-13                       36,54

          3                  Fishers of Men                         Mt 4.12-25                      17

          4                  Pure in Heart                            Mat 5.1-12                       37

          5                  Let Light Shine                         Mat 5.13-16                               37

          6                  Blameless                                 Ps 119.1-8                       37

          7                  Love for Enemies           Mat 5.38-48,Lk 6.20-31           38

          8                  Stewards Worthy of Trust        1Cor 4.1-5                       38

          8                  Sufficient Unto the Day            Mat 6.28-34                    63

29/5-4/6  (9)         Build on Rock                           Mat 7.21-27                               38

5-11/6   (10)          Faith Like Abraham                 Rom 4.18-25                   39

12-18/6  (11)         Disciples/Harvest                     Mat 9.36-10.8                 39

19-25/6 (12)          Whom to Fear                           Mat 10.26-33                  39

26/6-2/7 (13)        Worthy & Alive to God           Rom 6.8-11                     39

                              Cups of Water                          Mat 10.40-42                             64

3-9/7      (14)         Yoke is Easy, Burd Light        Mat 11.25-30                   40

10-16/7  (15)         The Sower                                 Mat 13.1-9                       40

17-23/7  (16)         Weeds or Wheat                       Mat 13.24-30                   41

24-30/7  (17)         Kingdom Like Pearl                 Mat 13.44-46                   41

31/7-6/8  (18)       Feeding 5000                            Mat 14.13-21                  3

7-13/8    (19)         Reach Out Your Arm               Mat 14.22-33                   42

14-20/8  (20)         Let Your Face Shine                 Ps 67                                42

                              Healing                                     Mt 15.21-28                     62

21-27/8   (21)        Key to Heaven                          Mat 16.13-20                   42

28/8-3/9  (22)       Take Up the Cross                              Mat 16.21-27                   5

                              Help to Follow                          Mat 16.21-27                  27

4-10/9     (23)        When 2 or 3 Gather                  Mat 18.15-20                  43

11-17/9   (24)        Seventy Times Seven               Mat 18.21-35                  43

18-24/9   (25)        Worthy of the Gospel               Phil 1.20-24&27             44

25/9-1/10 (26)      One Accord                               Phil 2.1-11                       44,1

2-8/10     (27)        Press Forward                           Phil 3.3-14                       61

9-15/10   (28)        Give Strength                           Phil.4.12-14,19-20          45

                              Peace of God                            Phil 4.6-9                        44


DAY                      TITLE                                       REF                                 PAGE


16-22/10 (29)        Render Unto Caesar                 Mat 22.15-21                   45

23-29/10 (30)        Great Commandment               Mat 22.34-40                    9

30/10-5/11 (31)    Practice What We Preach        Mat 23.1-12                               45

6-12/11 (32)          Trimmed Lamps                       Mat 25.1-13                              45

13-19/11 (33)        Thief In the Night                     1Thess 5.1-6                   45

20-26/11 (34)        Sheep and Goats                       Mat 25.31-46                  46



Adv   1                  Keep Watch                                        Mk 13.33-37                   53

                              or Keep Awake                                                                 35

          2                  Free from Blemish                   2Pet 3.8-14                     54

          3                  Blameless                                 1Thess 5.16-24                         54

          4                  So Let It Be                               Lk 1.26-38                      54

C'mas                              Christmas                                 Jn 1.1-18                         13

C'mas  1                Heirs of God                             Gal 4.4-7                         58

          2                  Receive Christ,Children           Jn 1.10-18                       58

Epiph                    A Guiding Star                         Mt 2.1-12                        20

 do.                        God's Purpose                           Eph 3.1-6                        14

Lent   1                  Keep Your Ways                      Ps 25.1-9                         50

                              or Temptation                                                                   19

          2                  Take Up The Cross                   Mk 8.27-35                      5

                              Listen to the Son                      Mk 9.2-9                         46

          3                  The Perfect Law                       Ps 19.7-14                       50

          4                  Will Not Perish                        Jn 3.14-21                       51

          5                  Not Single Grains                     Jn 12.20-33                     51

                              or Obey                                                                             47

Palm Sun              He is Lord/Obedience              Phil 2.5-11                      1

                              Open Gate                                 Ps 118.19-29                   64

G.Fri                     Obedience                                 Jn 18.11-37                     58

Easter                              Easter                                                                                          22

 do.                        Christ is Risen                                                                  59

Easter  2                The Light                                  1Jn 1.1-5                         57

 do.                        Faith Without Seeing               Jn 20.19-31                     22

          3                  Scriptures (or) Faith                 Lk 24.36-48                              58

          4                  Good Shepherd                         Jn 10.11-18                     52



DAY                      TITLE                             REF                                 PAGE

Easter            5                True Vine                        Jn 15.1-8                         52

            6                New Commandment       Jn 15.9-17                       53

                              Faith to Conquer             1 Jn 5.1-6                         51


Ascen                                                                      Eph 1.17-23                              24

Sun after(E7)        United and True              Jn 17.11-19                     53

Pentec                   The Counsellor     Jn 15.26-27,16.4-15                  59

Trin Sun                Born Anew                      Jn 3.1-17                         59

Epiph+1                          Send the Spirit      Mk 1.4-11                       59

                    Bless With Peace                      Ps 29                                59

          2                  Help us Hear                   1Sam 3.1-10                   59

          3                  Repent and Believe        Mk 1.14-20                     55

          3                  Fishers of Men               do                                    17

          3                  Keep Your Ways            Ps 25.1-9                         50

          4                  Knowledge & Love        1Cor 8.1-13                     60

          5                  Preach the Gospel   1Cor 9.16-19,22-23                55

          6                  Running the Race         1Cor 9.24-27                     40,18

          7                  Your Seal                        2 Cor 1.18-22                  56

          7                  Raise Us                          Mk 2.1-12                       56

          8                  Letters from Christ         2 Cor 3.1-6                      56

29/5-4/6  (9)         Earthenware Vessels      2 Cor 4.6-11                    56

5-11/6   (10)          Things Unseen                2 Cor 4.13-5.1                 56

12-18/6 (11)          Mustard Seed                  Mk 4.26-34                     57

19-25/6 (12)          Peace be Still                  Mk 4.35-41                     57

26/6-2/7 (13)        Heal Us Lord                  Mk 5.27                          1

                                                                      Mk 5.41                          1

3-9/7     (14)          Thorn in the Flesh                    2 Cor 12.7                       2

          (14)             Honour In Own Country Mk 6.4                             2

10-16/7 (15)          Pure Hearts                     Ps 24                               35

                              Spiritual Blessings         Eph 1.3-14                      13

17-23/7 (16)          Sheep Without Shepherd          Mk 6.34                          3

24-30/7 (17)          Feeding 5000                  Jn 6.11                            3

31/7-6/8 (18)        Unity                               Eph 4.1-6                        3

                              Bread of Life                  Jn 6.35                           3

7-13/8    (19)         Living Bread                   Jn 6.51                            4

                              Walk in Love                  Eph 4.31-32                              4



DAY                      TITLE                                       REF                                 PAGE


14-20/8 (20)          Walking in the Light                Eph 5.15-20                               4

21-27/8 (21)          Words of Eternal Life              Jn 6,60-69                       4

28/8-3/9 (22)        Doers of the Word                              Jms 1.17-27                              5

4-10/9    (23)         Healing                                     Mk 7.31-37                     5

11-17/9  (24)         Take Up the Cross                              Mk 8.27-35                     5

                              Help to Follow                          do                                    27

                              Faith and Actions                     Jms 2.14-28                             5

18-24/9  (25)         Lord's Law                                Ps 1                                 17/60

                              To Serve                                   Mk 9.                               63

25/9-1/10 (26)      Claim Reward                           Mk 9. 41-42                              64

2-8/10   (27)          Marriage                                   Mk 10.7-12                     7

                              As Little Children                    Mk 10.13-16                   7

9-15/10 (28)          Word of God                             Heb 4.12-13,Wis 7.7      8

                              Rich Man/Wisdom                   Mk 10.17-30,Wis 7.7     8

                              High Priest/Temptation            Heb 4.14-16                              8

16-22/10 (29)        Obey                                         Heb 5.1-10                      47

23-29/10 (30)        Healing the Blind                     Mk 10.46-52                   9

30/10-5/11 (31)    The Great Commandment        Mk 12.28-34                   9

6-12/11 (32)          Widow's Offering                     Mk 12.38-44                  10

13-19/11 (33)        Single Offering               Mk 13.1-11,Heb10.11-18         63

20-26/11 (34)        The King                                   Jn 18.33-37                     11

YEAR C                         

Adv   1                  Waiting for Christ                              1 Thess 3.12-13              11

          2                  God's Salvation                        Lk 3.1-6                          11

          3                  The Lord is Near                      Lk 3.10-18                      12

          3                  Peace of God                            Phil 4.4-7                        12

          4                  God's Will                                Heb 10.5-10                              12

C'mas                              Christmas                                 Jn 1.1-18                         13

C'mas 1                 Christian Life                           Col 3.12-21                     14

           2                 Receive Christ, Children                    Jn 1.10-18                       58

Epiph                    God's Purpose                           Eph 3.1-6                        14

 do.                        A Guiding Star                         Mt 2.1-12                        20

Lent   1                  Temptation                               Lk 4.1-13                        19

          2                  Our Transfiguration                 Phil 3.17-4.1                   21

          3                  Blessed is He                            Is 55.1-9, Lk13.35           61



DAY                      TITLE                                       REF                                 PAGE


Lent   4                  Reconciliatn/New Creatn         2 Cor 5.14-21                   1,11

          5                  Press Forward                           Phil 3.3-14                      61

Palm Sun              He is Lord/Obedience              Phil 2.5-11                        1

                              Open Gate                                 Ps 118.19-29                   64

G.Fri                     Obedience                                 Jn 18.11-37                     58

Easter                              Easter                                                                                         22

 do.                        Christ is Risen                                                                  59

Easter 2                 Faith Without Seeing               Jn 20.19-31                      22

           3                 Obey God/Follow Christ          Acts 5.29,Jn 21.19           23

                              Tend My Sheep                        Jn 21.15-22                     63

            4                Good Shepherd                         Jn 10.27-30                     23

            5                New Commandment                 Jn 13.31-35                     23

            6                All Who Love Keep Word       Jn 14.23-29                     24

                              Let Your Face Shine                 Ps 67                               42

Ascen                              Ascention                                  Eph 1.17-23                              24

Sun after               One With Father Son                Jn 17.20-26                     25

Pentec                   The Counsellor                         Jn 14.8-17)                      59

Trin Sun                Endurance and Hope                Rom 5.1-5                       26

Epiph+1                Holy Spirit and Power              Acts (10.34-38,               15

                              Bless With Peace             Ps 29   (2.1-21,8.14-17            59

                              Send The Spirit                         Lk 3.15-22                      59

          2                  Gifts of Spirit                           1 Cor 12.4-11                  15

          3                  Body of Christ                          1 Cor 12.12-14 27           16

          4                  Love                                          1 Cor 12.31-13.13           16

          5                  Fishers of Men                         Lk 5.1-11                        17

          6                  Delight in God's Law               Ps 1                                 17,60

          7                  Love For Enemies                              Lk 6.27-38                      17

          8                  Judging Others                         Lk 6.39-42                       18

29/5-4/6 (9)          True Gospel                                        Gal 1.1-10                       18

5-11/6  (10)           God's Call                                 Gal 1.11-19                     26

                              Heal Us                                     Lk 7.11-17                      51

12-18/6 (11)          Faith Saves                               Lk 7.36-8.3                     26

19-25/6 (12)          Proclaim God's Glory               Lk 8.26-39                      62

26/6-2/7 (13)        Use of Freedom                        Gal 5.1 13-18                  27

3-9/7     (14)          Labourers for Harvest              Lk 10.1-20                      28



DAY                      TITLE                                       REF                                 PAGE

10-16/7 (15)          What We Must Do                   Lk 10.25-37                              28

17-23/7 (16)          Make Right Choice                  Lk 10.38-42                              28

24-30/7 (17)          Knock Search Ask                              Lk 11.1-13                      29

31/7-6/8 (18)        True Riches                    Col 3.1-11,Lk 12.13-21            29

7-13/8 (19)            Prepare for Master's Return     Lk 12.35-40                              30

14-20/8 (20)          Cast Off Sin                             Heb 12.1-4                     30

21-27/8 (21)          Holy City                                  Heb 12.18-29                  62

28/8-3/9 (22)        Exalted In Your Sight               Lk 14.7-14                                31

4-10/9 (23)           To Be Disciples                        Lk 14.25-33                              31

11-17/9 (24)          Save Us                                     1 Tim 1.12-17                 31

18-24/9 (25)          Impart The Word                      1 Tim 3.14-4.6                64

                              Pray for All                               1 Tim 2.1-8                     31

25/9-1/10 (26)      We of God                                1 Tim 6.11-16                 32

                              Set Example                             1 Tim 4.12-5.8                64     

2-8/10 (27)            Do Not Be Ashamed                 2 Tim 1.6-8                     32

9-15/10 (28)          Give Thanks                             Lk 17.11-19                              33

16-22/10 (29)        Always Pray                             Lk 18.1-8                        33

23-29/10 (30)        Be Humble                                Lk 18.9-14                     33

                              Run the Race,Fight Fight         2 Tim 4.6-8,17-18          27

30/10-5/11 (31)    Worthy of His Call                   2 Thess 1.11-2.2             33

6-12/11 (32)          Resurrection                             Lk 20.27-40                              62

13-19/11 (33)        Wisdom/Endurance                  Lk 21.5-19                               34

20-26/11 (34)        Kingdom of Light                     Col 1.11-20                     34



Joseph                   Obey                                         Mt 1.18-25                      63

Naming Jesus       Heirs of God                             Gal 4.4-7                         58

Conv Paul             God's Call                                 Gal 1.11-24                    26

Pres Christ            Temptation                               Heb 2.14-18                    19

Matthias               New Commandment                 Jn 15.9-17                       53

Annunc Mary        So Let It Be                              Lk 1.26-38                                54

Mark                     Preach                                       Mk 16.15-20                   57

Philip/James         The Way                                   Jn 14.6-14                       57

Barnabas               Preach                                       Mat 10.7-13                              57

John Baptist                    Sandals                                     Acts 13.22-26                 6

Peter & Paul         Tend My Sheep                        Jn 21.15-22                     63

                              Run Race,Fight the Fight         2 Tim 4.6-8,17-18          27




DAY                      TITLE                                       REF                                 PAGE

Mary Magdalen   Reconciln/New Creation           2 Cor 5.14-21                   1,11

James                              Believe and Speak                              2 Cor 4.7-15                    6

                              To Serve                                   Mt 20.20-28                    63

Transfig                Listen to the Son            Mat 17.1-9/Mk9.2-10/   

                                                                                 Lk 9.28-36                     46

Bartholomew        Hear Our Call                           Ps 145.10-18                   30

Matthew                To Be Worthy                           Eph 4.1-7                         31

Michael&Angels   St Michael & All Angels        Rev 12. 7-12                   6

Luke                      Labourers for Harvest              Lk 10.1-9                        28

Simon/Jude           Proclaim Glory                         Ps 19.1-6                         6

All Saints A                    All Saints                                  1 Jn 3.1-3                        15

               A            Pure in Heart                            Mat 5.1-12                      37

               B            Pure Hearts                               Ps 24                               35

               C            Spiritual Blessings                   Eph 1.15-18                              14

               C            Love for Enemies                     Lk 6.20-31                      38

Andrew                 Proclaim Glory                         Ps 19.1-6                          6

Thomas                 Grant Faith                               Jn 20.24-29                     36

Stephen                 Our Refuge                               Ps 31.1-8                         29

John                      The Light                                  1 Jn 1.1-5                        57

Innocents              Walk in Light                           1 Jn 1.5-2.2                     36

Holy Cross            Our Church                                                                       79,60

                              Eternal Life                    Jn 3.13-17                       62

                              Reaching Out                                                                     60

Mary Mother        Heirs of God                             Gal 4.4-7                         58



Adv 4 A                Pure Hearts                               Ps 24                                35

C'mas 1A,B           Christian Life                           Col 3.12-21                     14

      2A,B,C            Spiritual Blessings (2)             Eph 1.15-18                              14

G.Fri A,B,C           Obey                                         Heb 4.14-16,5.7-9           47

Easter 2A              With Us On The Road              Lk 24.13-35                              48

Ord 3A                  Unity                                         1Cor 10-13                      37

    27A                   Peace of God                            Phil 4.6-9                        44

Easter 2B              Our Advocate                           1Jn 2.1-6                         52

Ascen                              Ascension                                 Heb 9.28                         24

Sun After              Be Proud                                   1 Pet 4.13-16                  49

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