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Part 2 - On a General Range of Subjects


Though poetry in modern times

Must be, it seems, in prose,

It can't replace the verse that rhymes

And with a metre flows.


It's true that metred rhyme alone

Provides no guarantee

That efforts better than my own

Are really poetry.


And so dear reader you will see,

My words good, bad or worse

Are never claimed as poetry,

I merely call them verse.








Page 1                         Contents


Pages 2-3        Index  to this section.


Pages 1-62      Verse on a General Range of subjects.





This collection of my verse has accumulated over a number of years. Initially, short verse was written for inclusion in intercessions used in the Melville Anglican Church and eventually covered the whole of the 3 year cycle of readings. Those verses are included in the "Spiritual" section.


Other sections cover "Verse in a Lighter Vein" and "Verse of a Personal Family Nature"


This  section covers a wide range of subject matter.


It should be noted that no pretence of poetry is made, only an honest attempt at rhyme and metre. I have no doubt that much is somewhat trite, but hopefully some is less so.


Some verse was written for publication in the Australian Rose Annual and subsequently "A Rose Wish" was included in the book by Neville Passmore, Chrissy Morrissy and Al Kemp entitled "Roses WA".


A few years ago, I created a website with the aim of learning HTML coding and used my verse as subject matter. As a consequence, the site is now part of a USA based Rhyme and Metre web ring. Several verses now appear in different Christian websites. I also approved the use of a verse in a NZ garden nursery catalogue.


The writing of the verse has been of considerable therapeutic value and was largely done for my own benefit, in the same way some people might devote themselves to solving crossword puzzles.


Mel Austin






A Bird (N)


A Christmas Wish


A Fourth Tail (P,T)


A Funny Thing (G)


A Garden (N)


A Little at a Time (G,S)


A Morning Wish (G)


A Prayer


A Puppy (G)


A Question (G)


A Rose   


A Rose Wish (N)


A Special Wish


A Summer Wish (G)


A Tail of Two Dogs (P,T)


A Third Tail


A Tree (N)


All in the Mind (G)


An Evening Wish (G)


An Inclusive Grace


Another Question (G)


Another Winter Wish (G)


Australia (G)


Australian (G)


Autumn Wish (G)


Birds for Children (1) (N)


Birds for Children (2) (N)


Come Into The Garden (N)


Decisions (G)


Fear (G,S)


Friendship (G)


Girl in a Bus (G,S)


Having Fun (N)


Icy Winds (G)


Just Animals (G)


Love and Kindness (G)


Meandering Musings on Mortality


More Short Thoughts (G)


Morning Chorus (N)


Mum and Dad (G)


Music (G,S)


My Dog (G)


My Valentine


Night or Day? (G,S)


Our Flag (G)


Peace (G,S)


Problematic Proverbs (G)


Probus Booragoon March (G)


Questions (G)


Rain (G)


Rhyme and Metre & Is It Prose? (G)


Rhyme of the Youthful Mariner (T)


Seashore Message (G)


Short 'Green' Thoughts (N)


Short Thoughts (G)


Spring Wish (G)


Sunrise (G,S)


The Eloquent Flower (N)


The Family (G,S)


The Garden (N)


The Key (G)


The Runaway (T)


The Whole Picture (G,S)


Thoughts on Creation/Evolution (N,S,P)


Time (G)


Travel (G)


True Love (G,T)


Truth (G)


Which Flower? (N)


Who Not What (G)


Winter Wish (G)


Wish for Life's Journey (G,S)


Worry (G,S)


Your Garden Beckons (N)









She reaches out in majesty

To God with arms held high

With ev'ry breeze she waves to me

And all who pass her by.


For feathered friends we see and hear

She's home and sanctu'ry

They build their nest, their young they rear

Beneath her canopy.


The honeyeater tastes each flower

And sips the nectar there

The busy bee works hour by hour

Among her blossoms fair.


She makes the very air we breathe

And gives us summer shade

To creatures all does God bequeath

This gift his hands have made.


What greater bounty could there be

This verdant harmony

What greater beauty could we see

Than this delight, a tree.





What wondrous things are birds that wing

Across the open sky

And as they sing what joy they bring

To lift our spirits high.


With plumage bright, what greater sight

They're clothed in ev'ry hue

They give to us such sheer delight

We feel we could fly too.










The truth is like a fragile flower

Its beauty all can see

But tend it not with all our power

And dead it soon will be.


To grow this plant needs loving care

For lies will sprout like weeds

It must be kept in open air

To spread its fertile seeds.


Of truth there is but one 'tis so

But do not judge in haste

The fruit that other gard'ners grow

To them may better taste.


And truth can be a bitter pill

To take, though it be fact

It must at times be used with skill

And with a dose of tact.







True peace we all do crave and need

Yet often cannot find

For fear and conflict ever breed

On earth, or in our mind.


Abominations are all wars

When little children die

Death's angels soar with bloody claws

While all do cry, but why?


While might is seen as always right

'Tis folly to be weak

At times we must stand firm and fight

Yet something else we seek.


As violence round us daily grows

And armanents pile high

Man's hate of man still more he shows

What else then can we try?


Religion some will oft times say

Has caused but hate and war

But man not God has gone astray

And that's their reason's flaw.


The answer came from God's own son

For love is all we need

So let us try it ev'ryone

And start to sow the seed.






O what is wrong with life today

With violence on increase?

For all does seem in disarray

Will mayhem never cease?


When entertainments filth portray

To shock with all their might

Why should we wonder at decay

Of basic human right.


When youths to drugs are blithely led

For vile and evil gain

When all their life and pride are bled

What hope can there remain?


It's adults who such muck purvey

And bleed society

And children who the price must pay

Can no one hear their plea?


When people sneer at family

And other styles promote

Why can't we learn from history?

Why don't God's laws we quote?


Though puritans we would not be

Lest we swing back too far

Can our desire for decency

Be really so bizarre?


And whose responsibility

If we don't take a stand?

From blame can all of us be free

With heads so deep in sand?


Another question we must ask,

Pray God we really care,

Have we the fibre for the task

Our fabric to repair?






The magpies carol break of day

All nature is in song

A symphony I pray will stay

With you your whole life long.






May gentle breezes stir the air

And cool the summer heat

And blow like leaves your ev'ry care

To drop them at your feet.






The day is run and draws to close

And so its joy or sorrow

I wish you peace and sweet repose

And happiness tomorrow.






You are the only love of mine

Through all life's joy and tears

You are my special Valentine

And have been down the years.









It's all through life that music's played

By bird, by wind, by tree,

By surf and mother's heart it's made

They're God's great symphony.



Its power can soothe the savage breast

Or spur to victory

A lullaby gives peace and rest

A song can set us free.



It can our heart and spirits raise

When we feel less than whole

Without it where are hymns of praise?

It's food for ev'ry soul.



To play life's part both clear and sure

And keep in harmony

Let's use the great composer's score

And nature's melody.








Let all give thanks for this our land

Australia so fine

Who else can claim a home so grand

As this one, yours and mine?



It matters not from whence you came

Or if you're dark or fair

What matters is we think the same

Of this great land we share.



And those who came across the sea

All can indeed take pride

But hatreds old must buried be

They should not here reside.



Australians now ev'ryone

Adopted or by birth

Let's keep our home here in the sun

The best there is on earth.









It's what are you, what do you do?

That people always say

When they are introduced to you

At home or work or play.



Why don't they ask us who we are

Or where our int'rests lie?

They'd rather judge us by our car

Or by our old school tie.



For with our work the only test

Which needs to be applied

Is do we give our very best

And do it well with pride?



It's who, not what that we should ask,

For Christ to save us came

And worked at just a common task

Yet is the world the same?








When troubles seem too much to bear

Do not give up all hope

Take as it comes each single care

And pray with that to cope.



Our yesterdays have passed away

And what is done is done

Tomorrow is another day

Just live the present one.



Unless their tombstone you can see

Remember that from strife

No one on earth is always free

Be glad that you have life.



To plot life's course in just one day

Can really overwhelm

So sail one leg along the way,

Ask God to take the helm.







Though rain obscures the shining sun

Its water we all need

To slake the thirst of ev'ryone

To germinate each seed


The tears of rain which time to time

May fall on me and you

I pray will wash away life's grime

So we may grow anew


For when the rain has passed away

The sun is always there

To warm and brighten our new day

A day for us to share.





When winter winds your soul assail

And seem to never cease

I wish you shelter from the gale

The gift of inner peace.





When spring bursts forth to scent the air

What joy to us it brings

May all your days be just as fair

A multitude of springs.





When autumn leaves turn red and brown

And skies turn dark and grey

I wish you joy and ne'er a frown

May cares all blow away.







It's love and kindness which we need

To oil the wheels of life

Some love that's shown in word or deed

When selfishness is rife.


For in our hearts we all recall

Someone from days gone by

Who by some act however small

Did brighten up our sky.


So if remembered we would be

We need not do great things,

For earthly immortality

Just see what kindness brings.


But memories will die you say

And this alas is true

But love can earn along the way

Eternal life for you.







We should not be afraid to fear

Its stimulus we need

When tigers stalk us and appear

Its message we must heed.


It helps us all to stay alive

And see another day

Without it we could not survive

The race would die away.


We should therefore take proper care

If cut we all will bleed

Yet risks at times we needs must dare

If we are to succeed.


We must expect to feel afraid

How else can we be brave?

As well as fear when we were made

The Lord some courage gave.


While some fear truth, some others pain

Or maybe the unknown,

The strength we need each one can gain

For we are not alone.


So give us wisdom Lord we ask

To know the things to fear

And give us courage for our task

With knowledge you are near.


And for the things we can't control

Lord help us know them too

May we have peace of mind and soul

By leaving them to you.


And should it seem we cannot cope

We're sure you understand

Lord send your love, your peace, your hope

Reach out your helping hand.




She looks at me with big brown eyes

And knows each word I say

She's just a dog yet seems so wise

In her own canine way.


She's full of love and loyalty

Those virtues we admire

These traits I'm sure we all agree

Some people should acquire.


The magpies warbling through the sky

Their young protect and feed

They give a lesson up on high

Some humans well might heed.


But they're just animals we're told

O'er which we have control

For we are made in God's own mould

It's we who have a soul.


What scripture says I'll not deny

But yet it's plain to see

That satan some would place on high

Like him they try to be.


Though we can reason with our mind

We're prone to cruelty

We kill and persecute our kind

With great ferocity.


An animal will kill to eat

But seldom its own kind

And not for sport or its conceit

As we in humans find.


They laugh and cry and hurt and die

And have nobility

If they've no soul I wonder why,

What is it I can see?


These animals which share the earth

To each respect is due

What God has made must have its worth,

And are we not one too?












The sunrise glows through clouds of grey

And bathes the earth in gold

To usher in God's fair new day

To banish dark and cold.


Each day we have is fresh and new

A chance again to try

To do the things we failed to do

To help those we passed by.


We should not dwell upon the past,

Though from it we can learn,

Let's live each day as if the last

A new leaf let us turn.


So when the sun sets in the West

Its beauty sinks from view,

We each can say we did our best

In love this day we grew.


For then we do not need to fear

The very darkest night

For we all know there will appear

A new day dawning bright.


A day when sunrise will not fade

And birds will always sing

When all God's glory is displayed

His love in ev'rything.







The Pelican has got a bill

Which takes an awful lot to fill

He flies up high then down again

And lands just like a big sea-plane.


The Emu lays enormous eggs

Her neck is long as are her legs

She is too big to fly you know

But when she runs just see her go.


He's white and yellow with a squawk

But can be trained like us to talk,

He's cocky and so handsome too

Our Sulphur Crested Cockatoo.


The Owl has eyes both big and round

With which to spy things on the ground

He likes to fly and hunt at night

So nature gave him his keen sight.


The Kookaburras in the tree

All laugh out loud so happily

I wonder do they laugh at me

Or at some joke I just can't see.


Australia's Swans are black not white

Though show some white when they're in flight

Their graceful necks they use to feed

Beneath the water in the weed.







The Magpies clothed in black and white

With carols sweet greet morning light,

Though from your hand your food they'll share,

Please when they're nesting do take care.


Where flowers bloom with nectar sweet

The Honeyeater comes to eat

She carries pollen while she feeds

And helps the plant to grow its seeds.


The Hawk can hover in the sky

And glides in circles up on high,

Then all at once his prey he'll sight

And down he swoops like streak of light.


Ravens are black as darkest night

Their glossy feathers gleaming bright,

It's sad they have a vital flaw

For they can't sing but only caw.


No finer swimmer will you meet

Than Mrs. Duck with her webbed feet

She ducks her head to feed below

Then just her tail to us she'll show.


The Budgerigar known to all

Although a parrot is quite small,

They're coloured yellow, blue and green

And as a pet are often seen.








A friend is someone you can trust

Who'll be there come what may

Who will support you when like dust

Your dreams have blown away.


He knows your bad points with the good

Your failures with your fame

Though all your faults are understood

He stands by you the same.


He cares not if you're rich or poor

Or for his own self gain

For friendship bought we can be sure

Dries up like summer rain.


A friend will listen when you speak

Responding tactfully

But his opinion which you seek

Is given honestly.


Suppose this friend I cannot find

What is it I can do?

The answer which should spring to mind

Is "I must be one too".








Her arms around his neck entwine

Her head upon his chest

As if to say this father mine

In all the world is best.


He has no fault in her young eyes

Which shine with love so clear

He is her refuge strong and wise

With him she knows no fear.


But as she grows she'll come to know

That parents can be wrong

They have their fears, their tears can flow

They are not always strong.


Yet in the meantime each young day

May parents ev'rywhere

Earn children's trust along the way

Providing love and care.


And when these children are aware

As humans we are weak

Then may they know a Father's there

With strength for all who seek.









Which flower has since time began,

As history does disclose,

Been always most esteemed by man

Yet in your garden grows?


Which flower can inspire delight

And cause us to compose

A song of love, or maybe write

In poetry or prose?


Which flower to entrance our sight

With vibrant colour glows

Meanwhile for those who know not light

Its fragrance freely flows?


Which flower needs no words to say,

As any mourner knows,

"May He who made me guide your way

Though this short byway close"?


Which flower says "I'm sorry dear

Those words in haste I chose"

Or "get well soon, be of good cheer"

Or "darling I propose"?


Which flower reigns as queen of all

In stately regal pose

Till winter comes and leaves must fall

To give her earned repose?


Which flower has such diverse gifts

That God on us bestows

And has this beauty which uplifts?

It is, of course, the Rose.







I wish you beauty, joy and peace

With roses at your door

A place where wonders never cease

And cares intrude no more.


Take time to look, don't miss your chance

As in the breeze they sway

Go join them in the gentle dance

At start of each new day.


Delight in ev'ry glorious hue

Sunkissed in morning light,

Observe them sparkle in the dew

To shed the gloom of night.


Enjoy the fragrance in the air

Watch tiny buds unfold

For nature's wonder all can share

From youngest to the old.


A rose, like life, can have its thorns

And rain at times must fall

But may you miss the worst of storms

May all your thorns be small.


When winter comes, as come it will

Don't grieve for flowers past

All things must rest awhile until

A new spring dawns at last.


This is my rose wish just for you

This great kaleidoscope

Of patterns changing ever new

God's gift of life and hope.







When cares of life seem all too much

You know not what to do

Come look and listen, taste, smell, touch

Your garden beckons you.


Hear nature's chorus at first light

The magpies carol gay

They celebrate the passing night

And dawning of the day.


Observe the bees dart to and fro

A butterfly at rest

Or all the birds which come and go

Perhaps to build a nest.


Inhale the perfume of a rose

Bejewelled by morning dew

Or marvel as a seedling grows

Each day brings something new.


Go feel the texture of a leaf

Or crush a herb to smell

While colours strewn beyond belief

Delight the eye as well.


Enjoy the taste of fresh food grown

By your own honest toil

Create an Eden of your own

Put roots down in the soil.


Stand still and listen to the trees

And watch them as they sway

Each dancing gently to the breeze

At closing of the day.


You see each season come and go

Life's cycle without end

And when your sun sets now you know

A sunrise God will send.






May roads you take be decked with flow'rs

Your rain that falls but gentle show'rs

And in your skies no storms appear

Your days bring laughter, scarce a tear.


May birds sing melodies on high

To lift your soul as you pass by

From summer sun may trees give shade

Your pathway pass through leafy glade.


May love and beauty round you flow

And peace within forever grow

May each new day bring something new

To learn, discover or to do.


For ev'ry minute, ev'ry day

May God be with you on your way

To walk with you close by your side

Your true companion, helper, guide.






The Joy of Christmas be with you

To lift your soul each day anew

May children's laughter fill the air

And joy abound for all to share.


May Peace of Christmas touch your heart

And dwell therein to ne'er depart

Then may that peace spread far and wide

So in each heart it shall abide.


The Love of Christmas may you know

And thence from you to others flow

Until old hatreds pass away

And in God's love all live each day.






I think I'll excavate the lot

Those roses with their cursed black spot

And then there's mildew, aphids too,

There must be other things to do.


I hate to spray, but spray I must

For is that not some scale and rust?

It won't be long before the fight

May need to switch to spider mite.


And now to water, fertilise

Perhaps this year I'll win that prize,

There's weeding, trimming to complete

I'm always on my aching feet.


The show is looming, coming fast

I hope my flush of blooms will last,

It's hustle bustle on the day

Must ev'ryone get in my way?


How beautiful those blooms appear

Suppose I'll grow them one more year,

For surely my investment made

Is many many times repaid.


Already now it's time to prune

How can this season come so soon?

The year has passed though scarce begun

For time goes fast when having fun.



A funny thing happened to me

On the way to fifty

Without my specs I cannot see

Legs move much less swiftly.


My youthful and my crowning hair

Like the years departed,

But yet I grow, through love I share,

Younger, not downhearted.








While some are large and some are small

Both simple and complex,

We know they come to one and all

Our hearts and minds to vex.


On one, straight logic may apply

For others hearts hold sway

At times in anguish we may cry

"Dear God show us the way".


Though they may lead to bitter tears

Which we would fain evade,

Despite our worries and our fears,

Decisions must be made.






When worry's taken to extremes

It wears us down inside

As stones are worn by flowing streams

Or by the surging tide.


If worry bursts its bank to flood

Engulfing thought and mind,

We scramble through a sea of mud

No rest or peace we find.


That worry's futile there's no doubt

It drags but further down,

We, from the maelstrom, must get out

Lest we submerge and drown.


So we can cope as best we may,

Be swept away no more,

Lord, when life's eddies swirl our way,

Please help us to the shore.






Dear God I'm grateful I can say

I've not been grumpy this fine day,

No greed or anger have I shown

Or envied what is not my own.


I've not been mean in things I've said,

But soon I must get out of bed

And when I do, dear God, I'm sure

I'll need your help a great deal more.






Australians should be as one

United we should stand

Enjoying freedom, space and sun

In this our timeless land.


It doesn't matter when we came,

In dreamtime or last week,

We do not need to look the same

But common goals let's seek.


As instruments together may

Produce a symphony

Though different we all should play

In tune and harmony.


For each own background, yes be proud

But hatreds born elsewhere

Or in the past, can't be allowed

In this great land we share.


Whate'er we've been in time gone by

Now let us all agree

To say with pride and head held high

"Australian are we".






O bloom of beauty help me speak

In accents soft and clear

Compared with you my words are weak

Inadequate and drear.


Without you how can I impart

And possibly reveal

Exactly what is in my heart

Emotions that I feel?


You speak of love, a soft caress,

Devotion that is true.

Without you how can I confess

"My darling I love you"?


If I am rude, unthinking, curt

You help apologise

To say "I'm sorry for the hurt

My dearest dry your eyes".


When someone's sad or in distress

Their grief you show I share

For words alone cannot express

How very much I care.


You help me to congratulate

To say "that is well done",

Or maybe "let us celebrate

Let's go and have some fun".


To lift our soul to us you're sent

And ev'rybody knows,

O flower bright and eloquent

You're our beloved rose.






It's like the waves that pass us by

Or unseen winds that blow

For it's in vain if we should try

To stem its endless flow.


When we are young it seems so slow

Impatiently we wait

Until our calendar will show

Some long awaited date.


Then suddenly we're old it seems

The sands are running fast

We can't achieve now all our dreams

Our days of youth are past.


We know not when the final turn

Of the hour glass will be

Without delay then let us learn

To live in harmony.


Whatever our allotted span

With love we all should choose

To live our lives as best we can

We have no time to lose.


So helping others as we go

We face the setting sun

For when it sinks we then will know

A new dawn has begun.








The mighty breakers pound the shore

Then turn to foam and are no more,

Allow the waves life's storms create

Through sands of time to dissipate.


We hear the surf that crashes in

With such a cacophonous din

Become a murmur in the night

To calm and soothe before first light.


Observe the seabirds in the sky

And watch them swooping, soaring high,

Above your cares with them fly free

To let your heart the glory see.


Our ship of life we oft must sail

Through stormy seas and raging gale,

Await the gentle, cooling breeze

That lets us sail our ship with ease.







Come into the garden at dawn

When all is fresh and clean

And on the rose the dew is worn

Like jewels on a queen.


Stop to listen to birds that sing

Their hymn of morning praise,

Wait for the sunrise soon to bring

Its golden warming rays.


Come into the garden by day

Escape life's hurly burl,

Wonder at nature's grand display

And watch a bud unfurl.


Between your fingers feel the soil

Perhaps to plant a rose

Find calm and pleasure in such toil

Then marvel as it grows.


Come into the garden at night

When the cicadas call,

Inhale sweet perfumes with delight

Let peace waft over all.


Come into the garden whene'er

You're down and feeling low

Your spirits it will soon repair

God's blessings will bestow.






I wish you happiness and love

On this your special day

A gentle warming sun above

While cooling breezes play.


A peaceful mind, a joyful heart

Are what I'd give to you

Such gifts as never will depart

But last your whole life through.


I have the love but not the skill

To give you all I should,

So ask some greater power will

Please grant the gifts I would.









When spirits fall and we feel sad

All seems just cares and woes

Relief it seems can ne'er be had

And then we see a rose.


All through life's maze we search and wend

Each day its pain must bring

A minute spent with petalled friend

Will ease the stress and sting.


A perfumed gift since time began

From God and always free

To warm the heart of maid and man

Who would not grateful be?


As each new bloom its spell does cast

Or budded eye bursts forth

What price is then our rat race fast

What value money's worth?


Her healing lies within each hip

Her vision heals the soul

Her gift can mend a lovers' tiff

Or sadness will console.


"Faith, hope and love abide these three"

For comfort scripture shows

Let's add now with humility

And thanks that gift, a rose.






Who cares the most when you're in need

And feel both low and sad?

Who feels most proud when you succeed?

Of course it's Mum and Dad.


They do not ever count the cost

Of love they both dispense

They sacrifice their freedom lost

No thought to recompense.


Now how can we such love conceive

And trust like them become?

It is a thing we must achieve,

We too are Dad and Mum.







To her you're always smart and fair

She's sure that you're a god,

Whose wagging tail relieves each care?

It's just my friend, my dog.


No strings attach to faithfulness

Demands by her are few

No value put on your success

She asks but love from you.


She has a soul of that I'm sure

To heaven which must wend

With others loved, for evermore

To live, my dog my friend.





THE FAMILY                                   



The family has been always

A rock in shifting sands

Where young may grow in forming days

With loving guiding hands.


In families both large and small

Each member has a part

Where mothers, fathers, kinsfolk all

Their love and care impart.


They may not always smoothly sail

Of people they are made

A breeze at times becomes a gale

But love can still pervade.


The Son of Man did not disdain

In earthly home to live

This future's hope we must retain

And all protection give.


One other thing we must recall

And always keep in mind

The greatest family of all

Is that of humankind.








A leaping, biting ball of fluff

Whose teeth like needles pierce

There is no mischief big enough

For this great hunter fierce.


The havoc wrought one must confess

Would make a strong man quail

Could this so small make such a mess?

Attila with a tail.


But wagging tail forgiveness begs

Please don't you want to play?

She's furry love on four small legs

Who takes our cares away.






Though icy winds your body cleave

As with a whetted knife,

May love a blanket round you weave

To warm your soul through life.





Though winter seems both dark and chill

With summer far away

May love and friendship warm you still

And brighten ev'ry day.







O what an awe inspiring sight,

Unseen by light of day,

Which on a clear and cloudless night

The heavens will display.


The Southern Cross, the Milky Way,

The sparkling panoply,

Until the coming of the day

What beauty we can see.


We watch the moon traverse the sky

Like clockwork wax and wane,

Though it may fade, we can rely

On moonlight once again.


Then comes the breaking of the dawn

The sun begins to rise,

While heralding a brand new morn,

It dazzles earthbound eyes.


It's only time and point of view

Determine what we see

For all the glory comes anew

But patient we must be.


And whether day or whether night

Sometimes dark clouds appear

Which dim the sight of God's great light,

Be sure that they will clear.












Arriving home from work one day

I walked across the park

I saw a toddler 'cross the way

And it would soon be dark.


My little girl this could not be,

But yet I had to know

So turning round I ran to see

And found that it was so.


She saw me come and took to flight

A case clutched in her hand,

I took her home without a fight

But could not understand.


We asked our child "Why run away

And give us such a fright?"

Says she, "I said I wouldn't stay

And Mummy said alright".


Thenceforth we vowed that we would try

To listen when kids speak

For fear a careless made reply

Dire consequences wreak.


When time had passed, we laughed about

The way she did prepare,

She'd packed an apple and raincoat

And took her teddy bear.






(or Thank Heavens for the Airforce)


A while ago, I turned eighteen

With National Service due,

Because my Dad a tar had been,

I joined the navy too.


Ashore I did not have a care

No swell and I was swell,

Afloat I suffered mal de mer

Like Nelson I hear tell.


Our vessel was an old corvette,

The man o' war Junee,

But just how small can warships get?

Below the wharf rode she.


Our greatest threat the Bofors gun,

One for'ard and one aft,

Became a threat ere we had done

Much more to our own craft.


We trained around the for'ard one

Towards the bridge you see,

Old salts may say it can't be done,

Our captain won't agree.


The armament was not a threat

More than a week or so,

We jammed them both and could not get

Them any more to go.


Still, while we roamed the boundless sea

Upon our fearless way,

Invaders we did never see

We scared  them all away.


(cont'd next page)      





The skipper thought that Nashos must

Their brains now implement,

So set us all to chipping rust

'Til through the deck one went.


We're told when off Cape York's top end

"The whalers  learn to sail"

Though weather foul, they still did send

My group into the gale.


With wind astern we flew of course

But could not close haul tack

The ship blinked lamps like mad in morse

We waved a cap right back.


We lowered sail and oars then tried

One rowlock we were short

Around the oar some rope we tied

But could not hold it taut.


Downwind the ship its way did wend

To help us in our plight

No further Nashos did they send,

To drown us, 'twas not right.


We chipped more rust and painted side,

Before the 'swain could blink

The heads we'd painted with great pride

A shocking shade of pink.


We sailed her home, not claiming fame

We mariners so bold

But Nashos will not take the blame

That, she for scrap, was sold.





She had no fancy pedigree

No ribboned claim to fame

But just a part bred foxy she

And Mitzi was her name.


A gentle lady to the core

Her heart was full of love,

Not just a pet, this dog was more

A gift from One above.


At six years old our daughter had

A tumour on the brain,

To operate would just be mad

The doctors did explain.


The treatment made her lose her hair

And very ill she'd be,

Then we would say in our despair

"The dog, dear, go and see".


So with the dog our daughter stayed

'Til sickness passed away,

The love and care that dog displayed

Meant more than I can say.


Thanks be to God, our daughter's here

And thanks to doctors too,

And though I fear it may sound queer,

To Mitzi thanks are due.


Alas, at age of fourteen years

Our friend was put to sleep,

We feel no shame that many tears

For her we all did weep.


"No further dogs for me", I said,

"It causes too much pain

They steal your heart, next thing they're dead,

Why suffer that again?"


           (cont'd page next page)






But for the children's sake we thought

Another dog we'd try,

A smooth and short haired pup we sought

An Aussie cross did buy.


Her colour Sandy thus her name,

This tiny short haired pup

A long haired "Benji" soon became

As this young pup grew up.


With this new dog we had such fun

We felt disloyalty

Lest we forget the other one,

But this could never be.


She loved all creatures, well almost,

For cats she loved to hate,

She never caught one but could boast

None made it through the gate.


Dog owners only will believe

She knew each word we said,

To spell a word did not deceive

Her shaggy wise old head.


But then there came that dreaded time,

We stroked her as she went

To join our Mitzi in some clime

Where canine souls are sent.


Where that may be, I do not know,

But only hope and pray

That when it's time for me to go,

In that same place I'll stay.


A Jack Russell bitch now we own,

Will sanity prevail?

Right out the door our peace has flown,

But that's another tail.  (see p 173)








Of all the flags which have been flown

And still are yet to be

I think the one which is our own

As fine as we may see.


Within its background field of blue,

Though in my mind's own eye,

Are distant hills of bluish hue

Against an azure sky.


The Southern Cross above which gleams

So bright in southern skies

An icon's been since time of dreams

And on our flag it flies.


The Federation Star relates

Our national unity

The points are territ'ries and states

A nation proud and free.


The Union Flag is also shown

Our British legacy

From which our law and way have grown

Free speech, democracy.


'Men died' some say for this our flag,

To me this makes no sense

No people died for just a rag

But what it represents.


Our flag has beauty, history,

Long may it still declare

With pride the message all can see

"Advance Australia Fair".







This earth we share we do not own

But from our children is on loan.



True kindness, which to give is free

The deaf can hear, the blind can see.



Unto all others always do

The way you'd have them do to you.



A bible in the hand's worth two

Left on the shelf unread like new.



We should not worry for tomorrow  

Sufficient is today's own sorrow.



As if the last, let's live each day

One day it's sure to be that way.



The only people worry free

You'll find inside the cemet'ry.



We have no home but spaceship earth

Let's care for it for all our worth.



Like eagles which on stormy winds soar high,

To rise above and see beyond let's try.









At a country show the other day

Children and puppies we saw at play,

One little girl was holding a pup,

With amazing joy her face lit up,

Both puppy and child in loving bliss,

If only the world were more like this.






Though poetry in modern times

Must be, it seems, in prose,

It can't replace the verse that rhymes

And with a metre flows.


It's true that metred rhyme alone

Provides no guarantee

That efforts better than my own

Are really poetry.


And so dear reader you will see,

My words good, bad or worse

Are never claimed as poetry,

I merely call them verse.






A verse like this, it seems to me,

Shows rhyme alone's not poetry,

And I accept, from time to time,

A worthy poem without rhyme.


But surely rhythm there should be

A metre's flowing symmetry;

A simple test I would propose,

What sounds like prose, assume is prose.






ALL in the MIND


A young man asked his grandpa why

His age he would ignore,

For youthful things he'd always try

Which left him tired and sore.


The old man said, "Well you must know

Just how I feel grandson",

The youth replied, "That can't be so,

I'm young and like my fun".


"Of course you know", his grandpa said,

"My body's old 'tis true,

But in my mind, till I lie dead,

I'll be as young as you".
































(based on "The Theme from Time"

Narrated by Sir Laurence Olivier)


The gift of life you will agree

Brings changes day by day.

To cope with these, just use the key,

I'll show you now the way.


But with this knowledge please accept


To share the simple wise concept

With all humanity.


Throughout this universe so wide

True order you can find

In planets' motion it's applied

And in the human mind.


A mind that's in its normal state

Exists in harmony

With all creation by its great

Timeless quality.


So think about each word and thought,

Their power so diverse,

Of all the changes they have wrought

A blessing or a curse.



(cont'd next page)




THE KEY (cont'd)

(based on "The Theme from Time"

Narrated by Sir Laurence Olivier)



Your state of life is brought about

By thinking's quality

For thoughts cause actions there's no doubt,

So thinking is your key.


The pettiness, the envy, greed

And fear which give you pain,

Are attitudes, you must concede,

From which you can abstain.


I ask you now to realise

One thing you can control

Is attitude and therein lies

The way to make you whole.


Your words will chain reactions cause

Like stones thrown in a pond

For ev'ry life is linked to yours

In this world and beyond.


Your proper thinking sows a seed

An atmosphere of care

And understanding, which will lead

To love which all may share.


To change your world, then first my friend

Your thinking please review,

Your choice of words with care attend

Let love go forth with you.








I loved those tales of long ago

By Stevenson and Twain,

By Kipling, London and Defoe.

Those mem'ries still remain.


Adventures there on ev'ry page

I lived when just a child,

Great deeds performed upon a stage

Of places far and wild.


Though mirrors lie and say I'm old,

I know I'm still a boy

Who now can visit where were told

Those yarns which gave such joy.


Alaska, Yukon, Klondike too

What visions they bring forth

Of men and dogs, while sledding through

The wild and frozen North.


Yet travel really means much more

Than some recaptured  youth,

The more I step on foreign shore,

The more I learn the truth.


To see new places is delight,

So too, no less to me

To greet new faces, friends on sight,

Though brief such meeting be.


I cannot fail to realise

Our planet home is small

And we who live beneath God's skies

Are truly cousins all.









Life's race may give us pain to run

But try to take some time for fun.




The sun must set, its loss don't mourn

Elsewhere a brand new day is born.




To love your foes, I recommend

It's bound to drive them round the bend.




It sounds quite strange, but yet 'tis so

The more I learn, the less I know.




Make sure our words of wisdom true

Are not drowned out by what we do.




Communication rather poor?

Try speaking less and list'ning more.




To judge another, wait awhile

'Til, in his shoes, you've walked a mile.




"It's not that I'm old", you'll hear me lament,

"But my get up and go, got up and went".








If actions louder than words can speak,

Can swords compared to the pen be weak?




While many hands make light the toil

Too many cooks the broth can spoil.




Though absence makes the heart grow fonder,

When out of sight, the mind may wander.




The more the haste the less the speed,

But hesitate, you're lost indeed.




He's lost who hesitates, seems true

Yet, Look before you leap, does too.




The bigger they are, the harder they fall

For that's the theory anyway,

But running away, you doubtless recall,

Gives life to fight another day.




All things may come to those who wait,

But "who dares wins", I'd promulgate.








We are, of course, too well aware

Of our mortality,

A burden which we know we share

With all humanity.


When I was young, time seemed so slow,

Forever was a year,

But now the years like lightning go,

And old friends disappear.


For place in heaven faithful pray

When life on earth is done,

Most others hope, I dare to say,

For life beyond this one.


Reincarnation some would earn,

But I don't fancy that,

I'd be too scared I would return

A cockroach or a rat.


I look into the sky at night

Towards infinity,

And when I see this awesome sight,

What specks of dust are we.


From dust to dust's a term oft used,

But 'stardust' I would say,

For worlds which from the star stuff fused,

Become new stars some day.


(cont'd next page)








For life hereafter to exist,

Then we must have a soul,

A spirit  which will still persist

Though death needs take its toll.


We human beings have perceived,

In ev'ry time and place,

The spirit's place we need to heed

In this our earthly race.


The faiths which all God's message preach,

With Scriptures' guiding role,

Assist us in this life to reach

Salvation for our soul.


To me what spoke, clear like a bell,

The day my father died,

Was he had left that earthly shell,

And elsewhere did reside.


To do some good while here we live,

We all should surely choose.

Whate'er hereafter, it will give

All gain with nought to lose.






When asked, the pupils could not tell

What point days start and nights depart.

Their Rabbi said, “Please listen well,

Don’t use the clock but use your heart”.


“When you can look on anyone

And brother or sister you see,

Then it is light, the day’s begun,

If not, it's dark and night must be”.






For food we now will soon receive,

For friends and family,

Whate'er we do or don't believe,

Let's truly thankful be.


For all the blessings we receive,

Good food, good company,

No matter what we each believe,

Let's truly thankful be.




A THIRD TAIL  (a continuation)


Herewith, alas, the final tail

Of our Jack Russell Sue,

Who like a raging force ten gale

Into our lives just blew.


She ceased to breathe when very young,

From shock we would suppose,

For by a bee she had been stung

And needed "mouth to nose".


Sue was our hardest dog to train,

She thought the pack she'd lead.

"Two years she's got, in which to gain

Some manners", we decreed.


As time went by Sue did comply

With our odd foolish way,

But I could tell she wondered why

Some rules she must obey.


She was a plucky little tyke,

Although perhaps unwise

To challenge dogs she did not like,

Though many times her size.



(cont’d next page)




A THIRD TAIL  (cont’d)



Her duty as a watch dog brave

Sue took most seriously,

But love to humans freely gave,

As one, why would not she?


A music lover was our Sue,

We played, she came to hear,

Then singing, she would join in too

Her vocal loud and clear.


Then sadly Sue became unwell,

Although she should have died,

With drugs and care I'm pleased to tell

Some years she still survived.


But "D" day came on Boxing Day,

That dreaded time again

When to the vet we made our way

Our hearts so full of pain.


For forty years a dog we've had

But feel there'll be no more.

May three tails greet and make me glad

On some far distant shore.






I love the chorus heard each morn

Performed by feathered  friends

To herald in the break of dawn,

The gift to us God sends.


The cockatoos in higher key

And wattlebirds both call,

While magpies carol melody

And crows add bass to all.


It can't be called true harmony,

This polygot of sound,

But yet a finer symphony

I never yet have found.



How privileged I am to roam

New places so to see,

And when it's done to go on home

To our society.


But travelling, I often grieve

At poverty so great,

For hungry kids, at food some leave

Untouched upon their plates.


To many states our aid we send,

And this is surely right;

But whence the funds some have to spend

On military might?



Why can't the Muslim, Christian, Jew

All live in peace as they should do?

There is but one God each will claim,

So One they worship is the same.




Probus Booragoon March (tune Sussex by the Sea)


We're the men from Probus

Booragoon types we,

We limp and moan and squint and groan

But happy men we be;

And when you come to Probus

Your hearing aids please tune;

Though the yarns be tall we are good mates all

At Probus Booragoon.


Oh Probus, Probus Booragoon,

Good old Probus Booragoon

Though the yarns be tall we are good mates all

At Probus Booragoon.

Probus, Probus Booragoon,

Good old Probus Booragoon

Though the yarns be tall we are good mates all

At Probus Booragoon.


We the men at Probus

This can all agree:

We may look old but we're not bowled

For young at heart are we;

And when you come to Probus,

Be sure to make it soon,

So come join the fun, for we're friends each one

At Probus Booragoon.


Oh Probus, Probus Booragoon,

Good old Probus Booragoon

So come join the fun, for we're friends each one

At Probus Booragoon.

Probus, Probus Booragoon,

Good old Probus Booragoon

So come join the fun, for we're friends each one

At Probus Booragoon.









This world we share we do not own

But from our children is on loan.



To animals, we should be kind

That we're one too let's keep in mind.

They have emotions and it's plain

That they know joy and fear and pain.



The trees and plants deserve our care

Not least because we all breathe air.



Because we rule this earth we share,

We have a duty of due care.




The Garden


A tranquil garden let’s create,

A place of calm and peace

Where turmoils of the world abate

And cares, for now, can cease.


The air is fresh, the sun is bright,

It’s warm but not too hot,

Refreshing rain falls just at night,

Indeed a lovely spot.


Here, gentle breezes waft the scent

Of lavender and rose,

While singing birds in their ascent

A symphony compose.


The nodding flowers deck our way

And lofty trees give shade,

See rippling streams which sparkling play

In nearby leafy glade.


When we are stressed and peace can’t find,

Or feel we’ve lost our way,

Thought it be only in our mind,

Our garden bids us stay.




A FOURTH TAIL    (a continuation)


We're getting old, they are a tie,

So we will have no more.

We've had three dogs and watched them die,

Yet now here's number four.


Our daughter of the first dog's tail (sic)

So loved the other three,

A shorthaired young chihuahua male

Has joined the family.


The breeder said his name is Puck;

Enunciate with care.

We thought our guard dog to be stuck,

With such a name unfair.


Of Brutus, Killa we had thought,

But though he had short hair,

Decided Samson - Sam for short

Was much more debonair.


"Chi's look like rats or like a bat"

I rudely used to state,

"They're smaller than a decent cat,

A costly dog by weight".


That I was wrong, I have no doubt

As dogs they are true blue,

Just full of love and fun throughout,

Alert and clever too.


This tail, of course, has just begun,

Who knows what time imparts.

For now Sam's brought to ev'ryone

A smile within our hearts.








All life's too complex, some imply,

For evolution to apply,

There's been no change to the design

Created by their God divine.


But evolution, in my view,

Appears most likely to be true,

The evidence to me seems sound

From life today to fossils found.


If evolution not God's will,

Why have we that appendix still?

I have a rose that threw a sport

Producing blooms of different sort.


Microbes to Cosmos, the whole range,

Through course of time will die or change.

To say this can't be God's design,

The Almighty's plan could malign.


The Bible tells us how to live,

But scientific facts can't give.

Yet science can't all things explain,

A place for God, then, must remain.


























A garden green has ever been

A source of soothing balm,

In all the world so dark and mean

A place of peace and calm.


With trees that climb up to the sky

Adorned with blossoms fair

Their leafy fingers reaching high

To wave to us fron there.


Our feathered friends to visit fly

All clothed in ev'ry hue

They sing to us as they soar by

Our hearts to lift anew.


The flowers decked in rainment gay

Our senses do entrance,

Their perfume sweet is cast our way

As in the breeze they dance.


From tiny bud there blooms a rose

A seed becomes a tree,

How little man then really knows

When we these wonders see.


It's only God can make things grow

But we may play our part

In our small Eden here below

If tended from the heart.



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